Source code for coalib.misc.ContextManagers

import builtins
import os
import platform
import signal
import sys
import tempfile
import threading
from contextlib import closing, contextmanager
from io import StringIO

from coalib.misc.MutableValue import MutableValue

[docs]def subprocess_timeout(sub_process, seconds, kill_pg=False): """ Kill subprocess if the sub process takes more the than the timeout. :param sub_process: The sub process to run. :param seconds: The number of seconds to allow the test to run for. If set to 0 or a negative value, it waits indefinitely. Floats can be used to specify units smaller than seconds. :param kill_pg: Boolean whether to kill the process group or only this process. (not applicable for windows) """ timedout = MutableValue(False) if seconds <= 0: yield timedout return finished = threading.Event() if platform.system() == 'Windows': # pragma: no cover kill_pg = False def kill_it(): finished.wait(seconds) if not finished.is_set(): timedout.value = True if kill_pg: pgid = os.getpgid( os.kill(, signal.SIGINT) if kill_pg: os.killpg(pgid, signal.SIGINT) thread = threading.Thread(name='timeout-killer', target=kill_it) try: thread.start() yield timedout finally: finished.set() thread.join()
[docs]def replace_stdout(replacement): """ Replaces stdout with the replacement, yields back to the caller and then reverts everything back. """ _stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = replacement try: yield finally: sys.stdout = _stdout
[docs]def replace_stderr(replacement): """ Replaces stderr with the replacement, yields back to the caller and then reverts everything back. """ _stderr = sys.stderr sys.stderr = replacement try: yield finally: sys.stderr = _stderr
[docs]def suppress_stdout(): """ Suppresses everything going to stdout. """ with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull, replace_stdout(devnull): yield
[docs]def retrieve_stdout(): """ Yields a StringIO object from which one can read everything that was printed to stdout. (It won't be printed to the real stdout!) Example usage: with retrieve_stdout() as stdout: print("something") # Won't print to the console what_was_printed = stdout.getvalue() # Save the value """ with closing(StringIO()) as sio, replace_stdout(sio): oldprint = builtins.print try: # Overriding stdout doesn't work with libraries, this ensures even # cached variables take this up. Well... it works. def newprint(*args, **kwargs): kwargs['file'] = sio oldprint(*args, **kwargs) builtins.print = newprint yield sio finally: builtins.print = oldprint
[docs]def retrieve_stderr(): """ Yields a StringIO object from which one can read everything that was printed to stderr. (It won't be printed to the real stderr!) Example usage: with retrieve_stderr() as stderr: print("something") # Won't print to the console what_was_printed = stderr.getvalue() # Save the value """ with closing(StringIO()) as sio, replace_stderr(sio): oldprint = builtins.print try: # Overriding stderr doesn't work with libraries, this ensures even # cached variables take this up. Well... it works. def newprint(*args, **kwargs): kwargs['file'] = sio oldprint(*args, **kwargs) builtins.print = newprint yield sio finally: builtins.print = oldprint
[docs]def simulate_console_inputs(*inputs): """ Does some magic to simulate the given inputs to any calls to the ``input`` builtin. This yields back an InputGenerator object so you can check which input was already used and append any additional inputs you want. Example: with simulate_console_inputs(0, 1, 2) as generator: assert(input() == 0) assert(generator.last_input == 0) generator.inputs.append(3) assert(input() == 1) assert(input() == 2) assert(input() == 3) assert(generator.last_input == 3) :param inputs: Any inputs to simulate. :raises ValueError: Raised when was asked for more input but there's no more provided. """ class InputGenerator: def __init__(self, inputs): self.last_input = -1 self.inputs = inputs def generate_input(self, prompt=''): print(prompt, end='') self.last_input += 1 try: return self.inputs[self.last_input] except IndexError: raise ValueError('Asked for more input, but no more was ' 'provided from `simulate_console_inputs`.') input_generator = InputGenerator(list(inputs)) _input = builtins.input builtins.input = input_generator.generate_input try: yield input_generator finally: builtins.input = _input
[docs]def make_temp(suffix='', prefix='tmp', dir=None): """ Creates a temporary file with a closed stream and deletes it when done. :return: A contextmanager retrieving the file path. """ temporary = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=suffix, prefix=prefix, dir=dir) os.close(temporary[0]) try: yield temporary[1] finally: os.remove(temporary[1])
[docs]def prepare_file(lines, filename, force_linebreaks=True, create_tempfile=True, tempfile_kwargs={}): """ Can create a temporary file (if filename is None) with the lines. Can also add a trailing newline to each line specified if needed. :param lines: The lines from the file. (list or tuple of strings) :param filename: The filename to be prepared. :param force_linebreaks: Whether to append newlines at each line if needed. :param create_tempfile: Whether to save lines in tempfile if needed. :param tempfile_kwargs: Kwargs passed to tempfile.mkstemp(). """ if force_linebreaks: lines = type(lines)(line if line.endswith('\n') else line+'\n' for line in lines) if not create_tempfile and filename is None: filename = 'dummy_file_name' if not isinstance(filename, str) and create_tempfile: with make_temp(**tempfile_kwargs) as filename: with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.writelines(lines) yield lines, filename else: yield lines, filename
[docs]def change_directory(path): old_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path) try: yield finally: os.chdir(old_dir)