coalib.misc package


coalib.misc.Annotations module


Returns function which applies the first transformation it can from args and returns transformed value, or the value itself if it is in args.

>>> function = typechain(int, 'a', ord, None)
>>> function("10")
>>> function("b")
>>> function("a")
>>> function(int)
<class 'int'>
>>> function(None) is None
>>> function("str")
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Couldn't convert value 'str' to any specified type or find it in specified values.
Raises:TypeError – Raises when either no functions are specified for checking.

coalib.misc.BuildManPage module

class coalib.misc.BuildManPage.BuildManPage(dist)[source]

Bases: distutils.cmd.Command

Add a build_manpage command to your To use this Command class add a command to call this class:

# For setuptools
        "distutils.commands": [
            "build_manpage = coalib.misc.BuildManPage:BuildManPage"

# For distutils
from coalib.misc.BuildManPage import BuildManPage
      cmdclass={'build_manpage': BuildManPage}

You can then use the following setup command to produce a man page:

$ python build_manpage --output=coala.1             --parser=coalib.parsing.DefaultArgParser:default_arg_parser

If automatically want to build the man page every time you invoke your build, add to your `setup.cfg` the following:

output = <appname>.1
parser = <path_to_your_parser>
user_options = [('output=', 'O', 'output file'), ('parser=', None, 'module path to an ArgumentParser instance(e.g. mymod:func, where func is a method or function which returnan arparse.ArgumentParser instance.')]
class coalib.misc.BuildManPage.ManPageFormatter(prog, indent_increment=2, max_help_position=24, width=None, desc=None, long_desc=None, ext_sections=None, parser=None)[source]

Bases: argparse.HelpFormatter


coalib.misc.Caching module

class coalib.misc.Caching.FileCache(log_printer: coalib.output.printers.LogPrinter.LogPrinterMixin, project_dir: str, flush_cache: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

This object is a file cache that helps in collecting only the changed and new files since the last run. Example/Tutorial:

>>> from pyprint.NullPrinter import NullPrinter
>>> from coalib.output.printers.LogPrinter import LogPrinter
>>> import logging
>>> import copy, time
>>> log_printer = LogPrinter()
>>> log_printer.log_level = logging.CRITICAL

To initialize the cache create an instance for the project:

>>> cache = FileCache(log_printer, "test", flush_cache=True)

Now we can track new files by running:

>>> cache.track_files(["a.c", "b.c"])

Since all cache operations are lazy (for performance), we need to explicitly write the cache to disk for persistence in future uses: (Note: The cache will automatically figure out the write location)

>>> cache.write()

Let’s go into the future:

>>> time.sleep(1)

Let’s create a new instance to simulate a separate run:

>>> cache = FileCache(log_printer, "test", flush_cache=False)
>>> old_data = copy.deepcopy(

We can mark a file as changed by doing:

>>> cache.untrack_files({"a.c"})

Again write to disk after calculating the new cache times for each file:

>>> cache.write()
>>> new_data =

Since we marked ‘a.c’ as a changed file:

>>> "a.c" not in
>>> "a.c" in old_data

Since ‘b.c’ was untouched after the second run, its time was updated to the latest value:

>>> old_data["b.c"] < new_data["b.c"]

Flushes the cache and deletes the relevant file.


Returns the set of files that are not in the cache yet or have been untracked.

Parameters:files – The list of collected files.
Returns:A set of files that are uncached.

Start tracking files given in files by adding them to the database.

Parameters:files – A set of files that need to be tracked. These files are initialized with their last modified tag as -1.

Removes the given files from the cache so that they are no longer considered cached for this and the next run.

Parameters:files – A set of files to remove from cache.

Update the last run time on the project for each file to the current time. Using this object as a contextmanager is preferred (that will automatically call this method on exit).

coalib.misc.CachingUtilities module

coalib.misc.CachingUtilities.delete_files(log_printer, identifiers)[source]

Delete the given identifiers from the user’s coala data directory.

  • log_printer – A LogPrinter object to use for logging.
  • identifiers – The list of files to be deleted.

True if all the given files were successfully deleted. False otherwise.

coalib.misc.CachingUtilities.get_data_path(log_printer, identifier)[source]

Get the full path of identifier present in the user’s data directory.

  • log_printer – A LogPrinter object to use for logging.
  • identifier – The file whose path needs to be expanded.

Full path of the file, assuming it’s present in the user’s config directory. Returns None if there is a PermissionError in creating the directory.

coalib.misc.CachingUtilities.get_settings_hash(sections, targets=[], ignore_settings: list = ['disable_caching'])[source]

Compute and return a unique hash for the settings.

  • sections – A dict containing the settings for each section.
  • targets – The list of sections that are enabled.
  • ignore_settings – Setting keys to remove from sections before hashing.

A MD5 hash that is unique to the settings used.


Hashes the given text.

Parameters:text – String to to be hashed
Returns:A MD5 hash of the given string
coalib.misc.CachingUtilities.pickle_dump(log_printer, identifier, data)[source]

Write data into the file filename present in the user config directory.

  • log_printer – A LogPrinter object to use for logging.
  • identifier – The name of the file present in the user config directory.
  • data – Data to be serialized and written to the file using pickle.

True if the write was successful. False if there was a permission error in writing.

coalib.misc.CachingUtilities.pickle_load(log_printer, identifier, fallback=None)[source]

Get the data stored in filename present in the user config directory. Example usage:

>>> from pyprint.NullPrinter import NullPrinter
>>> from coalib.output.printers.LogPrinter import LogPrinter
>>> log_printer = LogPrinter(NullPrinter())
>>> test_data = {"answer": 42}
>>> pickle_dump(log_printer, "test_project", test_data)
>>> pickle_load(log_printer, "test_project")
{'answer': 42}
>>> pickle_load(log_printer, "nonexistent_project")
>>> pickle_load(log_printer, "nonexistent_project", fallback=42)
  • log_printer – A LogPrinter object to use for logging.
  • identifier – The name of the file present in the user config directory.
  • fallback – Return value to fallback to in case the file doesn’t exist.

Data that is present in the file, if the file exists. Otherwise the default value is returned.

coalib.misc.CachingUtilities.settings_changed(log_printer, settings_hash)[source]

Determine if the settings have changed since the last run with caching.

  • log_printer – A LogPrinter object to use for logging.
  • settings_hash – A MD5 hash that is unique to the settings used.

Return True if the settings hash has changed Return False otherwise.

coalib.misc.CachingUtilities.update_settings_db(log_printer, settings_hash)[source]

Update the config file last modification date.

  • log_printer – A LogPrinter object to use for logging.
  • settings_hash – A MD5 hash that is unique to the settings used.

coalib.misc.Compatibility module

coalib.misc.Constants module


Configures the logging with hard coded dictionary.

coalib.misc.ContextManagers module

coalib.misc.ContextManagers.make_temp(suffix='', prefix='tmp', dir=None)[source]

Creates a temporary file with a closed stream and deletes it when done.

Returns:A contextmanager retrieving the file path.
coalib.misc.ContextManagers.prepare_file(lines, filename, force_linebreaks=True, create_tempfile=True, tempfile_kwargs={})[source]

Can create a temporary file (if filename is None) with the lines. Can also add a trailing newline to each line specified if needed.

  • lines – The lines from the file. (list or tuple of strings)
  • filename – The filename to be prepared.
  • force_linebreaks – Whether to append newlines at each line if needed.
  • create_tempfile – Whether to save lines in tempfile if needed.
  • tempfile_kwargs – Kwargs passed to tempfile.mkstemp().

Replaces stderr with the replacement, yields back to the caller and then reverts everything back.


Replaces stdout with the replacement, yields back to the caller and then reverts everything back.


Yields a StringIO object from which one can read everything that was printed to stderr. (It won’t be printed to the real stderr!)

Example usage:

with retrieve_stderr() as stderr:
print(“something”) # Won’t print to the console what_was_printed = stderr.getvalue() # Save the value

Yields a StringIO object from which one can read everything that was printed to stdout. (It won’t be printed to the real stdout!)

Example usage:

with retrieve_stdout() as stdout:
print(“something”) # Won’t print to the console what_was_printed = stdout.getvalue() # Save the value

Does some magic to simulate the given inputs to any calls to the input builtin. This yields back an InputGenerator object so you can check which input was already used and append any additional inputs you want. Example:

with simulate_console_inputs(0, 1, 2) as generator:
assert(input() == 0) assert(generator.last_input == 0) generator.inputs.append(3) assert(input() == 1) assert(input() == 2) assert(input() == 3) assert(generator.last_input == 3)
Parameters:inputs – Any inputs to simulate.
Raises:ValueError – Raised when was asked for more input but there’s no more provided.
coalib.misc.ContextManagers.subprocess_timeout(sub_process, seconds, kill_pg=False)[source]

Kill subprocess if the sub process takes more the than the timeout.

  • sub_process – The sub process to run.
  • seconds – The number of seconds to allow the test to run for. If set to 0 or a negative value, it waits indefinitely. Floats can be used to specify units smaller than seconds.
  • kill_pg – Boolean whether to kill the process group or only this process. (not applicable for windows)

Suppresses everything going to stdout.

coalib.misc.DictUtilities module

coalib.misc.DictUtilities.add_pair_to_dict(key, value, dictionary)[source]

Add (key, value) pair to the dictionary. The value is added to a list of values for the key.


Inverts the dicts, e.g. {1: 2, 3: 4} and {2: 3, 4: 4} will be inverted {2: [1], 3: [2], 4: [3, 4]}. This also handles dictionaries with Iterable items as values e.g. {1: [1, 2, 3], 2: [3, 4, 5]} and {2: [1], 3: [2], 4: [3, 4]} will be inverted to {1: [1, 2], 2: [1, 3], 3: [1, 2, 4], 4: [2, 4], 5: [2]}. No order is preserved.

Parameters:dicts – The dictionaries to invert.
Returns:The inversed dictionary which merges all dictionaries into one.
coalib.misc.DictUtilities.update_ordered_dict_key(dictionary, old_key, new_key)[source]

coalib.misc.Enum module

coalib.misc.Enum.enum(*sequential, **named)[source]

coalib.misc.Exceptions module

coalib.misc.Exceptions.get_exitcode(exception, log_printer=None)[source]

coalib.misc.MutableValue module

class coalib.misc.MutableValue.MutableValue(val=None)[source]

Bases: object

coalib.misc.Shell module

coalib.misc.Shell.call_without_output = functools.partial(<function call>, stderr=-3, stdout=-3)

Uses to execute a command, but suppresses the output and the errors.


Finds the current shell type based on the outputs of common pre-defined variables in them. This is useful to identify which sort of escaping is required for strings.

Returns:The shell type. This can be either “powershell” if Windows Powershell is detected, “cmd” if command prompt is been detected or “sh” if it’s neither of these.
coalib.misc.Shell.run_interactive_shell_command(command, **kwargs)[source]

Runs a single command in shell and provides stdout, stderr and stdin streams.

This function creates a context manager that sets up the process (using subprocess.Popen()), returns to caller and waits for process to exit on leaving.

By default the process is opened in universal_newlines mode and creates pipes for all streams (stdout, stderr and stdin) using subprocess.PIPE special value. These pipes are closed automatically, so if you want to get the contents of the streams you should retrieve them before the context manager exits.

>>> with run_interactive_shell_command(["echo", "TEXT"]) as p:
...     stdout = p.stdout
...     stdout_text =
>>> stdout_text
>>> stdout.closed

Custom streams provided are not closed except of subprocess.PIPE.

>>> from tempfile import TemporaryFile
>>> stream = TemporaryFile()
>>> with run_interactive_shell_command(["echo", "TEXT"],
...                                    stdout=stream) as p:
...     stderr = p.stderr
>>> stderr.closed
>>> stream.closed
  • command – The command to run on shell. This parameter can either be a sequence of arguments that are directly passed to the process or a string. A string gets splitted beforehand using shlex.split(). If providing shell=True as a keyword-argument, no shlex.split() is performed and the command string goes directly to subprocess.Popen().
  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments to pass to subprocess.Popen that are used to spawn the process.

A context manager yielding the process started from the command.

coalib.misc.Shell.run_shell_command(command, stdin=None, **kwargs)[source]

Runs a single command in shell and returns the read stdout and stderr data.

This function waits for the process (created using subprocess.Popen()) to exit. Effectively it wraps run_interactive_shell_command() and uses communicate() on the process.

See also run_interactive_shell_command().

  • command – The command to run on shell. This parameter can either be a sequence of arguments that are directly passed to the process or a string. A string gets splitted beforehand using shlex.split().
  • stdin – Initial input to send to the process.
  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments to pass to subprocess.Popen that is used to spawn the process.

A tuple with (stdoutstring, stderrstring).

Module contents