Source code for coalib.processes.Processing

from itertools import chain
import multiprocessing
import os
import platform
import queue
import subprocess

from coalib.collecting.Collectors import collect_files
from coala_utils.string_processing.StringConverter import StringConverter
from coalib.output.printers.LOG_LEVEL import LOG_LEVEL
from coalib.processes.BearRunning import run
from coalib.processes.CONTROL_ELEMENT import CONTROL_ELEMENT
from coalib.processes.LogPrinterThread import LogPrinterThread
from coalib.results.Result import Result
from coalib.results.result_actions.ApplyPatchAction import ApplyPatchAction
from coalib.results.result_actions.IgnoreResultAction import IgnoreResultAction
from coalib.results.result_actions.PrintDebugMessageAction import (
from coalib.results.result_actions.ShowPatchAction import ShowPatchAction
from coalib.results.RESULT_SEVERITY import RESULT_SEVERITY
from coalib.results.SourceRange import SourceRange
from coalib.settings.Setting import glob_list
from coalib.parsing.Globbing import fnmatch

ACTIONS = [ApplyPatchAction,

[docs]def get_cpu_count(): try: return multiprocessing.cpu_count() # cpu_count is not implemented for some CPU architectures/OSes except NotImplementedError: # pragma: no cover return 2
[docs]def fill_queue(queue_fill, any_list): """ Takes element from a list and populates a queue with those elements. :param queue_fill: The queue to be filled. :param any_list: List containing the elements. """ for elem in any_list: queue_fill.put(elem)
[docs]def get_running_processes(processes): return sum((1 if process.is_alive() else 0) for process in processes)
[docs]def create_process_group(command_array, **kwargs): if platform.system() == 'Windows': # pragma: no cover proc = subprocess.Popen( command_array, creationflags=subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP, **kwargs) else: proc = subprocess.Popen(command_array, preexec_fn=os.setsid, **kwargs) return proc
[docs]def get_default_actions(section): """ Parses the key ``default_actions`` in the given section. :param section: The section where to parse from. :return: A dict with the bearname as keys and their default actions as values and another dict that contains bears and invalid action names. """ try: default_actions = dict(section['default_actions']) except IndexError: return {}, {} action_dict = {action.get_metadata().name: action for action in ACTIONS} invalid_action_set = default_actions.values() - action_dict.keys() invalid_actions = {} if len(invalid_action_set) != 0: invalid_actions = { bear: action for bear, action in default_actions.items() if action in invalid_action_set} for invalid in invalid_actions.keys(): del default_actions[invalid] actions = {bearname: action_dict[action_name] for bearname, action_name in default_actions.items()} return actions, invalid_actions
[docs]def autoapply_actions(results, file_dict, file_diff_dict, section, log_printer): """ Auto-applies actions like defined in the given section. :param results: A list of results. :param file_dict: A dictionary containing the name of files and its contents. :param file_diff_dict: A dictionary that contains filenames as keys and diff objects as values. :param section: The section. :param log_printer: A log printer instance to log messages on. :return: A list of unprocessed results. """ default_actions, invalid_actions = get_default_actions(section) no_autoapply_warn = bool(section.get('no_autoapply_warn', False)) for bearname, actionname in invalid_actions.items(): log_printer.warn('Selected default action {!r} for bear {!r} does ' 'not exist. Ignoring action.'.format(actionname, bearname)) if len(default_actions) == 0: # There's nothing to auto-apply. return results not_processed_results = [] for result in results: try: # Match full bear names deterministically, prioritized! action = default_actions[result.origin] except KeyError: for bear_glob in default_actions: if fnmatch(result.origin, bear_glob): action = default_actions[bear_glob] break else: not_processed_results.append(result) continue applicable = action.is_applicable(result, file_dict, file_diff_dict) if applicable is not True: if not no_autoapply_warn: log_printer.warn('{}: {}'.format(result.origin, applicable)) not_processed_results.append(result) continue try: action().apply_from_section(result, file_dict, file_diff_dict, section)'Applied {!r} on {} from {!r}.'.format( action.get_metadata().name, result.location_repr(), result.origin)) except Exception as ex: not_processed_results.append(result) log_printer.log_exception( 'Failed to execute action {!r} with error: {}.'.format( action.get_metadata().name, ex), ex) log_printer.debug('-> for result ' + repr(result) + '.') return not_processed_results
[docs]def check_result_ignore(result, ignore_ranges): """ Determines if the result has to be ignored. Any result will be ignored if its origin matches any bear names and its SourceRange overlaps with the ignore range. Note that everything after a space in the origin will be cut away, so the user can ignore results with an origin like `CSecurityBear (buffer)` with just `# Ignore CSecurityBear`. :param result: The result that needs to be checked. :param ignore_ranges: A list of tuples, each containing a list of lower cased affected bearnames and a SourceRange to ignore. If any of the bearname lists is empty, it is considered an ignore range for all bears. This may be a list of globbed bear wildcards. :return: True if the result has to be ignored. """ for bears, range in ignore_ranges: orig = result.origin.lower().split(' ')[0] if (result.overlaps(range) and (len(bears) == 0 or orig in bears or fnmatch(orig, bears))): return True return False
[docs]def get_file_dict(filename_list, log_printer): """ Reads all files into a dictionary. :param filename_list: List of names of paths to files to get contents of. :param log_printer: The logger which logs errors. :return: Reads the content of each file into a dictionary with filenames as keys. """ file_dict = {} for filename in filename_list: try: with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as _file: file_dict[filename] = tuple(_file.readlines()) except UnicodeDecodeError: log_printer.warn("Failed to read file '{}'. It seems to contain " 'non-unicode characters. Leaving it ' 'out.'.format(filename)) except OSError as exception: # pragma: no cover log_printer.log_exception("Failed to read file '{}' because of " 'an unknown error. Leaving it ' 'out.'.format(filename), exception, log_level=LOG_LEVEL.WARNING) log_printer.debug('Files that will be checked:\n' + '\n'.join(file_dict.keys())) return file_dict
[docs]def filter_raising_callables(it, exception, *args, **kwargs): """ Filters all callable items inside the given iterator that raise the given exceptions. :param it: The iterator to filter. :param exception: The (tuple of) exception(s) to filter for. :param args: Positional arguments to pass to the callable. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the callable. """ for elem in it: try: yield elem(*args, **kwargs) except exception: pass
[docs]def instantiate_bears(section, local_bear_list, global_bear_list, file_dict, message_queue, console_printer): """ Instantiates each bear with the arguments it needs. :param section: The section the bears belong to. :param local_bear_list: List of local bear classes to instantiate. :param global_bear_list: List of global bear classes to instantiate. :param file_dict: Dictionary containing filenames and their contents. :param message_queue: Queue responsible to maintain the messages delivered by the bears. :param console_printer: Object to print messages on the console. :return: The local and global bear instance lists. """ local_bear_list = [bear for bear in filter_raising_callables( local_bear_list, RuntimeError, section, message_queue, timeout=0.1)] global_bear_list = [bear for bear in filter_raising_callables( global_bear_list, RuntimeError, file_dict, section, message_queue, timeout=0.1)] return local_bear_list, global_bear_list
[docs]def instantiate_processes(section, local_bear_list, global_bear_list, job_count, cache, log_printer, console_printer): """ Instantiate the number of processes that will run bears which will be responsible for running bears in a multiprocessing environment. :param section: The section the bears belong to. :param local_bear_list: List of local bears belonging to the section. :param global_bear_list: List of global bears belonging to the section. :param job_count: Max number of processes to create. :param cache: An instance of ``misc.Caching.FileCache`` to use as a file cache buffer. :param log_printer: The log printer to warn to. :param console_printer: Object to print messages on the console. :return: A tuple containing a list of processes, and the arguments passed to each process which are the same for each object. """ filename_list = collect_files( glob_list(section.get('files', '')), log_printer, ignored_file_paths=glob_list(section.get('ignore', '')), limit_file_paths=glob_list(section.get('limit_files', ''))) # This stores all matched files irrespective of whether coala is run # only on changed files or not. Global bears require all the files complete_filename_list = filename_list # Start tracking all the files if cache: cache.track_files(set(complete_filename_list)) changed_files = cache.get_uncached_files( set(filename_list)) if cache else filename_list # If caching is enabled then the local bears should process only the # changed files. log_printer.debug("coala is run only on changed files, bears' log " 'messages from previous runs may not appear. You may ' 'use the `--flush-cache` flag to see them.') filename_list = changed_files # Note: the complete file dict is given as the file dict to bears and # the whole project is accessible to every bear. However, local bears are # run only for the changed files if caching is enabled. complete_file_dict = get_file_dict(complete_filename_list, log_printer) file_dict = {filename: complete_file_dict[filename] for filename in filename_list if filename in complete_file_dict} manager = multiprocessing.Manager() global_bear_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() filename_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() local_result_dict = manager.dict() global_result_dict = manager.dict() message_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() control_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() bear_runner_args = {'file_name_queue': filename_queue, 'local_bear_list': local_bear_list, 'global_bear_list': global_bear_list, 'global_bear_queue': global_bear_queue, 'file_dict': file_dict, 'local_result_dict': local_result_dict, 'global_result_dict': global_result_dict, 'message_queue': message_queue, 'control_queue': control_queue, 'timeout': 0.1} local_bear_list[:], global_bear_list[:] = instantiate_bears( section, local_bear_list, global_bear_list, complete_file_dict, message_queue, console_printer=console_printer) fill_queue(filename_queue, file_dict.keys()) fill_queue(global_bear_queue, range(len(global_bear_list))) return ([multiprocessing.Process(target=run, kwargs=bear_runner_args) for i in range(job_count)], bear_runner_args)
[docs]def get_ignore_scope(line, keyword): """ Retrieves the bears that are to be ignored defined in the given line. :param line: The line containing the ignore declaration. :param keyword: The keyword that was found. Everything after the rightmost occurrence of it will be considered for the scope. :return: A list of lower cased bearnames or an empty list (-> "all") """ toignore = line[line.rfind(keyword) + len(keyword):] if toignore.startswith('all'): return [] else: return list(StringConverter(toignore, list_delimiters=', '))
[docs]def yield_ignore_ranges(file_dict): """ Yields tuples of affected bears and a SourceRange that shall be ignored for those. :param file_dict: The file dictionary. """ for filename, file in file_dict.items(): start = None bears = [] stop_ignoring = False for line_number, line in enumerate(file, start=1): # Before lowering all lines ever read, first look for the biggest # common substring, case sensitive: I*gnor*e, start i*gnor*ing, # N*oqa*. if 'gnor' in line or 'oqa' in line: line = line.lower() if 'start ignoring ' in line: start = line_number bears = get_ignore_scope(line, 'start ignoring ') elif 'stop ignoring' in line: stop_ignoring = True if start: yield (bears, SourceRange.from_values( filename, start, 1, line_number, len(file[line_number-1]))) else: for ignore_stmt in ['ignore ', 'noqa ', 'noqa']: if ignore_stmt in line: end_line = min(line_number + 1, len(file)) yield (get_ignore_scope(line, ignore_stmt), SourceRange.from_values( filename, line_number, 1, end_line, len(file[end_line-1]))) break if stop_ignoring is False and start is not None: yield (bears, SourceRange.from_values(filename, start, 1, len(file), len(file[-1])))
[docs]def get_file_list(results): """ Get the set of files that are affected in the given results. :param results: A list of results from which the list of files is to be extracted. :return: A set of file paths containing the mentioned list of files. """ return {code.file for result in results for code in result.affected_code}
[docs]def process_queues(processes, control_queue, local_result_dict, global_result_dict, file_dict, print_results, section, cache, log_printer, console_printer): """ Iterate the control queue and send the results received to the print_result method so that they can be presented to the user. :param processes: List of processes which can be used to run Bears. :param control_queue: Containing control elements that indicate whether there is a result available and which bear it belongs to. :param local_result_dict: Dictionary containing results respective to local bears. It is modified by the processes i.e. results are added to it by multiple processes. :param global_result_dict: Dictionary containing results respective to global bears. It is modified by the processes i.e. results are added to it by multiple processes. :param file_dict: Dictionary containing file contents with filename as keys. :param print_results: Prints all given results appropriate to the output medium. :param cache: An instance of ``misc.Caching.FileCache`` to use as a file cache buffer. :return: Return True if all bears execute successfully and Results were delivered to the user. Else False. """ file_diff_dict = {} retval = False # Number of processes working on local/global bears. They are count down # when the last queue element of that process is processed which may be # *after* the process has ended! local_processes = len(processes) global_processes = len(processes) global_result_buffer = [] result_files = set() ignore_ranges = list(yield_ignore_ranges(file_dict)) # One process is the logger thread while local_processes > 1: try: control_elem, index = control_queue.get(timeout=0.1) if control_elem == CONTROL_ELEMENT.LOCAL_FINISHED: local_processes -= 1 elif control_elem == CONTROL_ELEMENT.GLOBAL_FINISHED: global_processes -= 1 elif control_elem == CONTROL_ELEMENT.LOCAL: assert local_processes != 0 result_files.update(get_file_list(local_result_dict[index])) retval, res = print_result(local_result_dict[index], file_dict, retval, print_results, section, log_printer, file_diff_dict, ignore_ranges, console_printer=console_printer) local_result_dict[index] = res else: assert control_elem == CONTROL_ELEMENT.GLOBAL global_result_buffer.append(index) except queue.Empty: if get_running_processes(processes) < 2: # pragma: no cover # Recover silently, those branches are only # nondeterministically covered. break # Flush global result buffer for elem in global_result_buffer: result_files.update(get_file_list(global_result_dict[elem])) retval, res = print_result(global_result_dict[elem], file_dict, retval, print_results, section, log_printer, file_diff_dict, ignore_ranges, console_printer=console_printer) global_result_dict[elem] = res # One process is the logger thread while global_processes > 1: try: control_elem, index = control_queue.get(timeout=0.1) if control_elem == CONTROL_ELEMENT.GLOBAL: result_files.update(get_file_list(global_result_dict[index])) retval, res = print_result(global_result_dict[index], file_dict, retval, print_results, section, log_printer, file_diff_dict, ignore_ranges, console_printer) global_result_dict[index] = res else: assert control_elem == CONTROL_ELEMENT.GLOBAL_FINISHED global_processes -= 1 except queue.Empty: if get_running_processes(processes) < 2: # pragma: no cover # Recover silently, those branches are only # nondeterministically covered. break if cache: cache.untrack_files(result_files) return retval
[docs]def simplify_section_result(section_result): """ Takes in a section's result from ``execute_section`` and simplifies it for easy usage in other functions. :param section_result: The result of a section which was executed. :return: Tuple containing: - bool - True if results were yielded - bool - True if unfixed results were yielded - list - Results from all bears (local and global) """ section_yielded_result = section_result[0] results_for_section = [] for value in chain(section_result[1].values(), section_result[2].values()): if value is None: continue for result in value: results_for_section.append(result) section_yielded_unfixed_results = len(results_for_section) > 0 return (section_yielded_result, section_yielded_unfixed_results, results_for_section)
[docs]def execute_section(section, global_bear_list, local_bear_list, print_results, cache, log_printer, console_printer): """ Executes the section with the given bears. The execute_section method does the following things: 1. Prepare a Process - Load files - Create queues 2. Spawn up one or more Processes 3. Output results from the Processes 4. Join all processes :param section: The section to execute. :param global_bear_list: List of global bears belonging to the section. Dependencies are already resolved. :param local_bear_list: List of local bears belonging to the section. Dependencies are already resolved. :param print_results: Prints all given results appropriate to the output medium. :param cache: An instance of ``misc.Caching.FileCache`` to use as a file cache buffer. :param log_printer: The log_printer to warn to. :param console_printer: Object to print messages on the console. :return: Tuple containing a bool (True if results were yielded, False otherwise), a Manager.dict containing all local results(filenames are key) and a Manager.dict containing all global bear results (bear names are key) as well as the file dictionary. """ try: running_processes = int(section['jobs']) except ValueError: log_printer.warn("Unable to convert setting 'jobs' into a number. " 'Falling back to CPU count.') running_processes = get_cpu_count() except IndexError: running_processes = get_cpu_count() processes, arg_dict = instantiate_processes(section, local_bear_list, global_bear_list, running_processes, cache, log_printer, console_printer=console_printer) logger_thread = LogPrinterThread(arg_dict['message_queue'], log_printer) # Start and join the logger thread along with the processes to run bears processes.append(logger_thread) for runner in processes: runner.start() try: return (process_queues(processes, arg_dict['control_queue'], arg_dict['local_result_dict'], arg_dict['global_result_dict'], arg_dict['file_dict'], print_results, section, cache, log_printer, console_printer=console_printer), arg_dict['local_result_dict'], arg_dict['global_result_dict'], arg_dict['file_dict']) finally: logger_thread.running = False for runner in processes: runner.join()