Source code for coalib.bearlib.aspects.base

from coalib.bearlib.languages import Language

from .taste import TasteError

[docs]class aspectbase: """ Base class for aspectclasses with common features for their instances. Derived classes must use :class:`coalib.bearlib.aspectclasses.meta.aspectclass` as metaclass. This is automatically handled by :meth:`coalib.bearlib.aspectclasses.meta.aspectclass.subaspect` decorator. """ def __init__(self, language, **taste_values): """ Instantiate an aspectclass with specific `taste_values`, including parent tastes. Given tastes must be available for the given `language`, which must be a language identifier supported by :class:`coalib.bearlib.languages.Language`. All taste values will be casted to the related taste cast types. Non-given available tastes will get their default values. """ # bypass self.__setattr__ self.__dict__['language'] = Language[language] for name, taste in type(self).tastes.items(): if taste.languages and language not in taste.languages: if name in taste_values: raise TasteError('%s.%s is not available for %s.' % ( type(self).__qualname__, name, language)) else: setattr(self, name, taste_values.get(name, taste.default)) def __eq__(self, other): return type(self) is type(other) and self.tastes == other.tastes @property def tastes(self): """ Get a dictionary of all taste names mapped to their specific values, including parent tastes. """ return {name: self.__dict__[name] for name in type(self).tastes if name in self.__dict__} def __setattr__(self, name, value): """ Don't allow attribute manipulations after instantiation of aspectclasses. """ if name not in type(self).tastes: raise AttributeError( "can't set attributes of aspectclass instances") super().__setattr__(name, value)