Source code for coalib.bearlib.abstractions.Linter

from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import partial, partialmethod
import logging
import inspect
from itertools import chain, compress
import re
import shutil
from subprocess import check_call, CalledProcessError, DEVNULL
from types import MappingProxyType

from coalib.bears.LocalBear import LocalBear
from coala_utils.ContextManagers import make_temp
from coala_utils.decorators import assert_right_type, enforce_signature
from coalib.misc.Shell import run_shell_command
from coalib.results.Diff import Diff
from coalib.results.Result import Result
from coalib.results.RESULT_SEVERITY import RESULT_SEVERITY
from coalib.settings.FunctionMetadata import FunctionMetadata

def _prepare_options(options, bear_class):
    Prepares options for ``linter`` for a given options dict in-place.

    :param options:
        The options dict that contains user/developer inputs.
    :param bear_class:
        The Bear ``class`` which is being decorated by ``linter``.
    allowed_options = {'executable',

    if not options['use_stdout'] and not options['use_stderr']:
        raise ValueError('No output streams provided at all.')

    if options['output_format'] == 'corrected':
        if (
                'diff_severity' in options and
                options['diff_severity'] not in RESULT_SEVERITY.reverse):
            raise TypeError('Invalid value for `diff_severity`: ' +

        if 'result_message' in options:
            assert_right_type(options['result_message'], str, 'result_message')

        if 'diff_distance' in options:
            assert_right_type(options['diff_distance'], int, 'diff_distance')

        allowed_options |= {'diff_severity', 'result_message', 'diff_distance'}
    elif options['output_format'] == 'regex':
        if 'output_regex' not in options:
            raise ValueError('`output_regex` needed when specified '
                             "output-format 'regex'.")

        options['output_regex'] = re.compile(options['output_regex'])

        supported_names = {
        no_of_non_named_groups = (options['output_regex'].groups
                                  - len(options['output_regex'].groupindex))

        if no_of_non_named_groups:
            logging.warning('{}: Using unnecessary capturing groups '
                            'affects the performance of coala. '
                            "You should use '(?:<pattern>)' instead of "
                            "'(<pattern>)' for your regex."

        for capture_group_name in options['output_regex'].groupindex:
            if capture_group_name not in supported_names:
                logging.warning("{}: Superfluous capturing group '{}' used. "
                                'Is this a typo? If not, consider removing '
                                "the capturing group to improve coala's "

        # Don't setup severity_map if one is provided by user or if it's not
        # used inside the output_regex. If one is manually provided but not
        # used in the output_regex, throw an exception.
        if 'severity_map' in options:
            if 'severity' not in options['output_regex'].groupindex:
                raise ValueError('Provided `severity_map` but named group '
                                 '`severity` is not used in `output_regex`.')
            assert_right_type(options['severity_map'], dict, 'severity_map')

            for key, value in options['severity_map'].items():
                assert_right_type(key, str, 'severity_map key')

                    assert_right_type(value, int, '<severity_map dict-value>')
                except TypeError:
                    raise TypeError(
                        'The value {!r} for key {!r} inside given '
                        'severity-map is no valid severity value.'.format(
                            value, key))

                if value not in RESULT_SEVERITY.reverse:
                    raise TypeError(
                        'Invalid severity value {!r} for key {!r} inside '
                        'given severity-map.'.format(value, key))

            # Auto-convert keys to lower-case. This creates automatically a new
            # dict which prevents runtime-modifications.
            options['severity_map'] = {
                key.lower(): value
                for key, value in options['severity_map'].items()}

        if 'result_message' in options:
            assert_right_type(options['result_message'], str, 'result_message')

        allowed_options |= {'output_regex', 'severity_map', 'result_message'}
    elif options['output_format'] is not None:
        raise ValueError('Invalid `output_format` specified.')

    if options['prerequisite_check_command']:
        if 'prerequisite_check_fail_message' in options:
            options['prerequisite_check_fail_message'] = (
                'Prerequisite check failed.')


    # Check for illegal superfluous options.
    superfluous_options = options.keys() - allowed_options
    if superfluous_options:
        raise ValueError(
            'Invalid keyword arguments provided: ' +
            ', '.join(repr(s) for s in sorted(superfluous_options)))

def _create_linter(klass, options):

    _prepare_options(options, klass)

    class LinterMeta(type):

        def __repr__(cls):
            return '<{} linter class (wrapping {!r})>'.format(
                cls.__name__, options['executable'])

    class LinterBase(LocalBear, metaclass=LinterMeta):

        def generate_config(filename, file):
            Generates the content of a config-file the linter-tool might need.

            The contents generated from this function are written to a
            temporary file and the path is provided inside

            By default no configuration is generated.

            You can provide additional keyword arguments and defaults. These
            will be interpreted as required settings that need to be provided
            through a coafile-section.

            :param filename:
                The name of the file currently processed.
            :param file:
                The contents of the file currently processed.
                The config-file-contents as a string or ``None``.
            return None

        def create_arguments(filename, file, config_file):
            Creates the arguments for the linter.

            You can provide additional keyword arguments and defaults. These
            will be interpreted as required settings that need to be provided
            through a coafile-section.

            :param filename:
                The name of the file the linter-tool shall process.
            :param file:
                The contents of the file.
            :param config_file:
                The path of the config-file if used. ``None`` if unused.
                A sequence of arguments to feed the linter-tool with.
            raise NotImplementedError

        def get_executable():
            Returns the executable of this class.

                The executable name.
            return options['executable']

        def check_prerequisites(cls):
            Checks whether the linter-tool the bear uses is operational.

                True if operational, otherwise a string containing more info.
            if shutil.which(cls.get_executable()) is None:
                return (repr(cls.get_executable()) + ' is not installed.' +
                        (' ' + options['executable_check_fail_info']
                         if options['executable_check_fail_info'] else
                if options['prerequisite_check_command']:
                        return True
                    except (OSError, CalledProcessError):
                        return options['prerequisite_check_fail_message']
                return True

        def _get_create_arguments_metadata(cls):
            return FunctionMetadata.from_function(
                omit={'self', 'filename', 'file', 'config_file'})

        def _get_generate_config_metadata(cls):
            return FunctionMetadata.from_function(
                omit={'filename', 'file'})

        def _get_process_output_metadata(cls):
            metadata = FunctionMetadata.from_function(cls.process_output)

            if options['output_format'] is None:
                omitted = {'self', 'output', 'filename', 'file'}
                # If a specific output format is provided, function signatures
                # from process_output functions should not appear in the help.
                omitted = set(chain(metadata.non_optional_params,

            metadata.omit = omitted
            return metadata

        def get_metadata(cls):
            merged_metadata = FunctionMetadata.merge(
            merged_metadata.desc = inspect.getdoc(cls)
            return merged_metadata

        def _convert_output_regex_match_to_result(self,
            Converts the matched named-groups of ``output_regex`` to an actual

            :param match:
                The regex match object.
            :param filename:
                The name of the file this match belongs to.
            :param severity_map:
                The dict to use to map the severity-match to an actual
            :param result_message:
                The static message to use for results instead of grabbing it
                from the executable output via the ``message`` named regex
            # Pre process the groups
            groups = match.groupdict()

            if 'severity' in groups:
                    groups['severity'] = severity_map[
                except KeyError:
                        repr(groups['severity']) + ' not found in '
                        'severity-map. Assuming `RESULT_SEVERITY.NORMAL`.')
                    groups['severity'] = RESULT_SEVERITY.NORMAL
                groups['severity'] = RESULT_SEVERITY.NORMAL

            for variable in ('line', 'column', 'end_line', 'end_column'):
                groups[variable] = (None
                                    if groups.get(variable, None) is None else

            if 'origin' in groups:
                groups['origin'] = '{} ({})'.format(klass.__name__,

            # Construct the result.
            return Result.from_values(
                origin=groups.get('origin', self),
                message=(groups.get('message', '').strip()
                         if result_message is None else result_message),
                additional_info=groups.get('additional_info', '').strip())

        def process_output_corrected(self,
                                     result_message='Inconsistency found.',
            Processes the executable's output as a corrected file.

            :param output:
                The output of the program as a string.
            :param filename:
                The filename of the file currently being corrected.
            :param file:
                The contents of the file currently being corrected.
            :param diff_severity:
                The severity to use for generating results.
            :param result_message:
                The message to use for generating results.
            :param diff_distance:
                Number of unchanged lines that are allowed in between two
                changed lines so they get yielded as one diff. If a negative
                distance is given, every change will be yielded as an own diff,
                even if they are right beneath each other.
                An iterator returning results containing patches for the
                file to correct.
            for diff in Diff.from_string_arrays(
                yield Result(self,
                             diffs={filename: diff},

        def process_output_regex(
                self, output, filename, file, output_regex,
                    'critical': RESULT_SEVERITY.MAJOR,
                    'c': RESULT_SEVERITY.MAJOR,
                    'fatal': RESULT_SEVERITY.MAJOR,
                    'fail': RESULT_SEVERITY.MAJOR,
                    'f': RESULT_SEVERITY.MAJOR,
                    'error': RESULT_SEVERITY.MAJOR,
                    'err': RESULT_SEVERITY.MAJOR,
                    'e': RESULT_SEVERITY.MAJOR,
                    'warning': RESULT_SEVERITY.NORMAL,
                    'warn': RESULT_SEVERITY.NORMAL,
                    'w': RESULT_SEVERITY.NORMAL,
                    'information': RESULT_SEVERITY.INFO,
                    'info': RESULT_SEVERITY.INFO,
                    'i': RESULT_SEVERITY.INFO,
                    'note': RESULT_SEVERITY.INFO,
                    'suggestion': RESULT_SEVERITY.INFO}),
            Processes the executable's output using a regex.

            :param output:
                The output of the program as a string.
            :param filename:
                The filename of the file currently being corrected.
            :param file:
                The contents of the file currently being corrected.
            :param output_regex:
                The regex to parse the output with. It should use as many
                of the following named groups (via ``(?P<name>...)``) to
                provide a good result:

                - line - The line where the issue starts.
                - column - The column where the issue starts.
                - end_line - The line where the issue ends.
                - end_column - The column where the issue ends.
                - severity - The severity of the issue.
                - message - The message of the result.
                - origin - The origin of the issue.
                - additional_info - Additional info provided by the issue.

                The groups ``line``, ``column``, ``end_line`` and
                ``end_column`` don't have to match numbers only, they can
                also match nothing, the generated ``Result`` is filled
                automatically with ``None`` then for the appropriate
            :param severity_map:
                A dict used to map a severity string (captured from the
                ``output_regex`` with the named group ``severity``) to an
                actual ``coalib.results.RESULT_SEVERITY`` for a result.
            :param result_message:
                The static message to use for results instead of grabbing it
                from the executable output via the ``message`` named regex
                An iterator returning results.
            for match in re.finditer(output_regex, output):
                yield self._convert_output_regex_match_to_result(
                    match, filename, severity_map=severity_map,

        if options['output_format'] is None:
            # Check if user supplied a `process_output` override.
            if not callable(getattr(klass, 'process_output', None)):
                raise ValueError('`process_output` not provided by given '
                                 'class {!r}.'.format(klass.__name__))
                # No need to assign to `process_output` here, the class mixing
                # below automatically does that.
            # Prevent people from accidentally defining `process_output`
            # manually, as this would implicitly override the internally
            # set-up `process_output`.
            if hasattr(klass, 'process_output'):
                raise ValueError('Found `process_output` already defined '
                                 'by class {!r}, but {!r} output-format is '

            if options['output_format'] == 'corrected':
                _process_output_args = {
                    key: options[key]
                    for key in ('result_message', 'diff_severity',
                    if key in options}

                _processing_function = partialmethod(
                    process_output_corrected, **_process_output_args)

                assert options['output_format'] == 'regex'

                _process_output_args = {
                    key: options[key]
                    for key in ('output_regex', 'severity_map',
                    if key in options}

                _processing_function = partialmethod(
                    process_output_regex, **_process_output_args)

            def process_output(self, output, filename, file):
                Processes the output of the executable and yields results

                :param output:
                    The output of the executable. This can be either a string
                    or a tuple depending on the usage of ``use_stdout`` and
                    ``use_stderr`` parameters of ``@linter``. If only one of
                    these arguments is ``True``, a string is placed (containing
                    the selected output stream). If both are ``True``, a tuple
                    is placed with ``(stdout, stderr)``.
                :param filename:
                    The name of the file currently processed.
                :param file:
                    The contents of the file (line-splitted).
                if isinstance(output, str):
                    output = (output,)

                for string in output:
                    yield from self._processing_function(
                        string, filename, file)

        def _create_config(cls, filename, file, **kwargs):
            Provides a context-manager that creates the config file if the
            user provides one and cleans it up when done with linting.

            :param filename:
                The filename of the file.
            :param file:
                The file contents.
            :param kwargs:
                Section settings passed from ``run()``.
                A context-manager handling the config-file.
            content = cls.generate_config(filename, file, **kwargs)
            if content is None:
                yield None
                with make_temp(
                        suffix=options['config_suffix']) as config_file:
                    with open(config_file, mode='w') as fl:
                    yield config_file

        def run(self, filename, file, **kwargs):
            # Get the **kwargs params to forward to `generate_config()`
            # (from `_create_config()`).
            generate_config_kwargs = FunctionMetadata.filter_parameters(
                self._get_generate_config_metadata(), kwargs)

            with self._create_config(
                    **generate_config_kwargs) as config_file:
                # And now retrieve the **kwargs for `create_arguments()`.
                create_arguments_kwargs = (
                        self._get_create_arguments_metadata(), kwargs))

                args = self.create_arguments(filename, file, config_file,

                    args = tuple(args)
                except TypeError:
                    self.err('The given arguments '
                             '{!r} are not iterable.'.format(args))

                arguments = (self.get_executable(),) + args
                self.debug("Running '{}'".format(' '.join(arguments)))

                output = run_shell_command(
                    stdin=''.join(file) if options['use_stdin'] else None,

                output = tuple(compress(
                    (options['use_stdout'], options['use_stderr'])))
                if len(output) == 1:
                    output = output[0]

                process_output_kwargs = FunctionMetadata.filter_parameters(
                    self._get_process_output_metadata(), kwargs)
                return self.process_output(output, filename, file,

        def __repr__(self):
            return '<{} linter object (wrapping {!r}) at {}>'.format(
                type(self).__name__, self.get_executable(), hex(id(self)))

    # Mixin the linter into the user-defined interface, otherwise
    # `create_arguments` and other methods would be overridden by the
    # default version.
    result_klass = type(klass.__name__, (klass, LinterBase), {
        '__module__': klass.__module__})
    result_klass.__doc__ = klass.__doc__ or ''
    return result_klass

[docs]def linter(executable: str, use_stdin: bool=False, use_stdout: bool=True, use_stderr: bool=False, config_suffix: str='', executable_check_fail_info: str='', prerequisite_check_command: tuple=(), output_format: (str, None)=None, **options): """ Decorator that creates a ``LocalBear`` that is able to process results from an external linter tool. The main functionality is achieved through the ``create_arguments()`` function that constructs the command-line-arguments that get parsed to your executable. >>> @linter("xlint", output_format="regex", output_regex="...") ... class XLintBear: ... @staticmethod ... def create_arguments(filename, file, config_file): ... return "--lint", filename Requiring settings is possible like in ```` with supplying additional keyword arguments (and if needed with defaults). >>> @linter("xlint", output_format="regex", output_regex="...") ... class XLintBear: ... @staticmethod ... def create_arguments(filename, ... file, ... config_file, ... lintmode: str, ... enable_aggressive_lints: bool=False): ... arguments = ("--lint", filename, "--mode=" + lintmode) ... if enable_aggressive_lints: ... arguments += ("--aggressive",) ... return arguments Sometimes your tool requires an actual file that contains configuration. ``linter`` allows you to just define the contents the configuration shall contain via ``generate_config()`` and handles everything else for you. >>> @linter("xlint", output_format="regex", output_regex="...") ... class XLintBear: ... @staticmethod ... def generate_config(filename, ... file, ... lintmode, ... enable_aggressive_lints): ... modestring = ("aggressive" ... if enable_aggressive_lints else ... "non-aggressive") ... contents = ("<xlint>", ... " <mode>" + lintmode + "</mode>", ... " <aggressive>" + modestring + "</aggressive>", ... "</xlint>") ... return "\\n".join(contents) ... ... @staticmethod ... def create_arguments(filename, ... file, ... config_file): ... return "--lint", filename, "--config", config_file As you can see you don't need to copy additional keyword-arguments you introduced from ``create_arguments()`` to ``generate_config()`` and vice-versa. ``linter`` takes care of forwarding the right arguments to the right place, so you are able to avoid signature duplication. If you override ``process_output``, you have the same feature like above (auto-forwarding of the right arguments defined in your function signature). Note when overriding ``process_output``: Providing a single output stream (via ``use_stdout`` or ``use_stderr``) puts the according string attained from the stream into parameter ``output``, providing both output streams inputs a tuple with ``(stdout, stderr)``. Providing ``use_stdout=False`` and ``use_stderr=False`` raises a ``ValueError``. By default ``use_stdout`` is ``True`` and ``use_stderr`` is ``False``. Documentation: Bear description shall be provided at class level. If you document your additional parameters inside ``create_arguments``, ``generate_config`` and ``process_output``, beware that conflicting documentation between them may be overridden. Document duplicated parameters inside ``create_arguments`` first, then in ``generate_config`` and after that inside ``process_output``. For the tutorial see: :param executable: The linter tool. :param use_stdin: Whether the input file is sent via stdin instead of passing it over the command-line-interface. :param use_stdout: Whether to use the stdout output stream. :param use_stderr: Whether to use the stderr output stream. :param config_suffix: The suffix-string to append to the filename of the configuration file created when ``generate_config`` is supplied. Useful if your executable expects getting a specific file-type with specific file-ending for the configuration file. :param executable_check_fail_info: Information that is provided together with the fail message from the normal executable check. By default no additional info is printed. :param prerequisite_check_command: A custom command to check for when ``check_prerequisites`` gets invoked (via ``subprocess.check_call()``). Must be an ``Iterable``. :param prerequisite_check_fail_message: A custom message that gets displayed when ``check_prerequisites`` fails while invoking ``prerequisite_check_command``. Can only be provided together with ``prerequisite_check_command``. :param output_format: The output format of the underlying executable. Valid values are - ``None``: Define your own format by overriding ``process_output``. Overriding ``process_output`` is then mandatory, not specifying it raises a ``ValueError``. - ``'regex'``: Parse output using a regex. See parameter ``output_regex``. - ``'corrected'``: The output is the corrected of the given file. Diffs are then generated to supply patches for results. Passing something else raises a ``ValueError``. :param output_regex: The regex expression as a string that is used to parse the output generated by the underlying executable. It should use as many of the following named groups (via ``(?P<name>...)``) to provide a good result: - line - The line where the issue starts. - column - The column where the issue starts. - end_line - The line where the issue ends. - end_column - The column where the issue ends. - severity - The severity of the issue. - message - The message of the result. - origin - The origin of the issue. - additional_info - Additional info provided by the issue. The groups ``line``, ``column``, ``end_line`` and ``end_column`` don't have to match numbers only, they can also match nothing, the generated ``Result`` is filled automatically with ``None`` then for the appropriate properties. Needs to be provided if ``output_format`` is ``'regex'``. :param severity_map: A dict used to map a severity string (captured from the ``output_regex`` with the named group ``severity``) to an actual ``coalib.results.RESULT_SEVERITY`` for a result. Severity strings are mapped **case-insensitive**! - ``RESULT_SEVERITY.MAJOR``: Mapped by ``critical``, ``c``, ``fatal``, ``fail``, ``f``, ``error``, ``err`` or ``e``. - ``RESULT_SEVERITY.NORMAL``: Mapped by ``warning``, ``warn`` or ``w``. - ``RESULT_SEVERITY.INFO``: Mapped by ``information``, ``info``, ``i``, ``note`` or ``suggestion``. A ``ValueError`` is raised when the named group ``severity`` is not used inside ``output_regex`` and this parameter is given. :param diff_severity: The severity to use for all results if ``output_format`` is ``'corrected'``. By default this value is ``coalib.results.RESULT_SEVERITY.NORMAL``. The given value needs to be defined inside ``coalib.results.RESULT_SEVERITY``. :param result_message: The message-string to use for all results. Can be used only together with ``corrected`` or ``regex`` output format. When using ``corrected``, the default value is ``"Inconsistency found."``, while for ``regex`` this static message is disabled and the message matched by ``output_regex`` is used instead. :param diff_distance: Number of unchanged lines that are allowed in between two changed lines so they get yielded as one diff if ``corrected`` output-format is given. If a negative distance is given, every change will be yielded as an own diff, even if they are right beneath each other. By default this value is ``1``. :raises ValueError: Raised when invalid options are supplied. :raises TypeError: Raised when incompatible types are supplied. See parameter documentations for allowed types. :return: A ``LocalBear`` derivation that lints code using an external tool. """ options['executable'] = executable options['output_format'] = output_format options['use_stdin'] = use_stdin options['use_stdout'] = use_stdout options['use_stderr'] = use_stderr options['config_suffix'] = config_suffix options['executable_check_fail_info'] = executable_check_fail_info options['prerequisite_check_command'] = prerequisite_check_command return partial(_create_linter, options=options)