Writing Documentation ===================== This document gives a short introduction on how to write documentation for the coala project. Documentation is written in reStructuredText and rendered by `Read the Docs `_ to our lovely users. You can view the current user documentation on http://docs.coala.io. To familiarize yourself with the reStructuredText syntax please see this `guide `_. After getting the coala source code (see `Installation Instructions`_), you can start hacking on existent documentation files. They reside in a separate repository that can be found `here `_. If you want to add new pages, you need to alter the ``index.rst`` file in the root of the repository. Please read http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/markup/toctree.html#toctree-directive for an explanation of the syntax. You should run this command before trying to build the documentation: :: pip3 install -r docs-requirements.txt You can test the documentation locally through simply running ``make html`` in the root directory. This generates ``_build\html\index.html`` that you can view on your browser. .. _Installation Instructions: https://docs.coala.io/en/latest/Users/Install.html