Source code for coalib.bearlib.aspects.Spelling

from coalib.bearlib.aspects import Root, Taste

[docs]@Root.subaspect class Spelling: """ How words should be written. """ class docs: example = """ 'Tihs si surly som incoreclt speling. `Coala` is always written with a lowercase `c`. """ example_language = 'reStructuredText' importance_reason = """ Words should always be written as they are supposed to be; standardisation facilitates communication. """ fix_suggestions = """ Use the correct spelling for the misspelled words. """
[docs]@Spelling.subaspect class DictionarySpelling: """ Valid language's words spelling. """ class docs: example = """ This is toatly wonrg. """ example_language = 'reStructuredText' importance_reason = """ Good spelling facilitates communication and avoids confusion. By following the same rules for spelling words, we can all understand the text we read. Poor spelling distracts the reader and they lose focus. """ fix_suggestions = """ You can use a spell-checker to fix this for you or just ensure yourself that things are well written. """
[docs]@Spelling.subaspect class OrgSpecificWordSpelling: """ Organisations like coala specified words' spelling. """ class docs: example = """ `Coala` is always written with a lower case c, also at the beginning of the sentence. """ example_language = 'reStructuredText' importance_reason = """ There are words you want to be written as you want, like your organisation's name. """ fix_suggestions = """ Simply make sure those words match with what is provided by the organisation. """ specific_word = Taste[list]( 'Represents the regex of the specific word to check.', (('c[o|O][a|A][l|L][a|A]',), ), default=list())