Source code for coalib.misc.Shell

from contextlib import contextmanager
import platform
import shlex
from subprocess import PIPE, Popen
from shutil import which

[docs]class ShellCommandResult(tuple): """ The result of a :func:`coalib.misc.run_shell_command` call. It is based on a ``(stdout, stderr)`` string tuple like it is returned form ``subprocess.Popen.communicate`` and was originally returned from :func:`coalib.misc.run_shell_command`. So it is backwards-compatible. It additionally stores the return ``.code``: >>> process = Popen(['python', '-c', ... 'import sys; print(sys.stdin.readline().strip() +' ... ' " processed")'], ... stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, ... universal_newlines=True) >>> stdout, stderr = process.communicate(input='data') >>> stderr '' >>> result = ShellCommandResult(process.returncode, stdout, stderr) >>> result[0] 'data processed\\n' >>> result[1] '' >>> result.code 0 """ def __new__(cls, code, stdout, stderr): """ Creates the basic tuple from `stdout` and `stderr`. """ return tuple.__new__(cls, (stdout, stderr)) def __init__(self, code, stdout, stderr): """ Stores the return `code`. """ self.code = code
[docs]def run_interactive_shell_command(command, **kwargs): """ Runs a single command in shell and provides stdout, stderr and stdin streams. This function creates a context manager that sets up the process (using ``subprocess.Popen()``), returns to caller and waits for process to exit on leaving. By default the process is opened in ``universal_newlines`` mode and creates pipes for all streams (stdout, stderr and stdin) using ``subprocess.PIPE`` special value. These pipes are closed automatically, so if you want to get the contents of the streams you should retrieve them before the context manager exits. >>> with run_interactive_shell_command(["echo", "TEXT"]) as p: ... stdout = p.stdout ... stdout_text = >>> stdout_text 'TEXT\\n' >>> stdout.closed True Custom streams provided are not closed except of ``subprocess.PIPE``. >>> from tempfile import TemporaryFile >>> stream = TemporaryFile() >>> with run_interactive_shell_command(["echo", "TEXT"], ... stdout=stream) as p: ... stderr = p.stderr >>> stderr.closed True >>> stream.closed False :param command: The command to run on shell. This parameter can either be a sequence of arguments that are directly passed to the process or a string. A string gets splitted beforehand using ``shlex.split()``. If providing ``shell=True`` as a keyword-argument, no ``shlex.split()`` is performed and the command string goes directly to ``subprocess.Popen()``. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to ``subprocess.Popen`` that are used to spawn the process. :return: A context manager yielding the process started from the command. """ if not kwargs.get('shell', False) and isinstance(command, str): command = shlex.split(command) else: command = list(command) if platform.system() == 'Windows': # pragma: no cover # subprocess doesn't implicitly look for .bat and .cmd scripts when # running commands under Windows command[0] = which(command[0]) args = {'stdout': PIPE, 'stderr': PIPE, 'stdin': PIPE, 'universal_newlines': True} args.update(kwargs) process = Popen(command, **args) try: yield process finally: if args['stdout'] is PIPE: process.stdout.close() if args['stderr'] is PIPE: process.stderr.close() if args['stdin'] is PIPE: process.stdin.close() process.wait()
[docs]def run_shell_command(command, stdin=None, **kwargs): """ Runs a single command in shell and returns the read stdout and stderr data. This function waits for the process (created using ``subprocess.Popen()``) to exit. Effectively it wraps ``run_interactive_shell_command()`` and uses ``communicate()`` on the process. See also ``run_interactive_shell_command()``. :param command: The command to run on shell. This parameter can either be a sequence of arguments that are directly passed to the process or a string. A string gets splitted beforehand using ``shlex.split()``. :param stdin: Initial input to send to the process. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to ``subprocess.Popen`` that is used to spawn the process. :return: A tuple with ``(stdoutstring, stderrstring)``. """ with run_interactive_shell_command(command, **kwargs) as p: ret = p.communicate(stdin) return ShellCommandResult(p.returncode, *ret)
[docs]def get_shell_type(): # pragma: no cover """ Finds the current shell type based on the outputs of common pre-defined variables in them. This is useful to identify which sort of escaping is required for strings. :return: The shell type. This can be either "powershell" if Windows Powershell is detected, "cmd" if command prompt is been detected or "sh" if it's neither of these. """ out = run_shell_command('echo $', shell=True)[0] if out.strip() == 'ConsoleHost': return 'powershell' out = run_shell_command('echo $0', shell=True)[0] if out.strip() == '$0': return 'cmd' return 'sh'