Source code for coalib.core.Core

import asyncio
import concurrent.futures
import functools
import logging
import multiprocessing

def _get_cpu_count():
        return multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    except NotImplementedError:  # pragma: no cover
        # cpu_count is not implemented for some CPU architectures/OSes
        return 1

[docs]def cleanup_bear(bear, running_tasks, event_loop): """ Cleans up state of an ongoing run for a bear. - If the given bear has no running tasks left, it removes the bear from the ``running_tasks`` dict. - Checks whether there are any remaining tasks, and quits the event loop accordingly if none are left. :param bear: The bear to clean up state for. :param running_tasks: The dict of running-tasks. :param event_loop: The event-loop tasks are scheduled on. """ if not running_tasks[bear]: del running_tasks[bear] if not running_tasks: event_loop.stop()
[docs]def schedule_bears(bears, result_callback, event_loop, running_tasks, executor): """ Schedules the tasks of bears to the given executor and runs them on the given event loop. :param bears: A list of bear instances to be scheduled onto the process pool. :param result_callback: A callback function which is called when results are available. :param event_loop: The asyncio event loop to schedule bear tasks on. :param running_tasks: Tasks that are already scheduled, organized in a dict with bear instances as keys and asyncio-coroutines as values containing their scheduled tasks. :param executor: The executor to which the bear tasks are scheduled. """ for bear in bears: tasks = { event_loop.run_in_executor( executor, bear.execute_task, bear_args, bear_kwargs) for bear_args, bear_kwargs in bear.generate_tasks()} running_tasks[bear] = tasks for task in tasks: task.add_done_callback(functools.partial( finish_task, bear, result_callback, running_tasks, event_loop, executor)) logging.debug('Scheduled {!r} (tasks: {})'.format(bear, len(tasks))) if not tasks: # We need to recheck our runtime if something is left to # process, as when no tasks were offloaded the event-loop could # hang up otherwise. cleanup_bear(bear, running_tasks, event_loop)
[docs]def finish_task(bear, result_callback, running_tasks, event_loop, executor, task): """ The callback for when a task of a bear completes. It is responsible for checking if the bear completed its execution and the handling of the result generated by the task. :param bear: The bear that the task belongs to. :param result_callback: A callback function which is called when results are available. :param running_tasks: Dictionary that keeps track of the remaining tasks of each bear. :param event_loop: The ``asyncio`` event loop bear-tasks are scheduled on. :param executor: The executor to which the bear tasks are scheduled. :param task: The task that completed. """ try: results = task.result() except Exception as ex: # FIXME Try to display only the relevant traceback of the bear if error # FIXME occurred there, not the complete event-loop traceback. logging.error('An exception was thrown during bear execution.', exc_info=ex) results = None finally: running_tasks[bear].remove(task) cleanup_bear(bear, running_tasks, event_loop) if results is not None: for result in results: try: # FIXME Long operations on the result-callback could block the # FIXME scheduler significantly. It should be possible to # FIXME schedule new Python Threads on the given event_loop # FIXME and process the callback there. result_callback(result) except Exception as ex: # FIXME Try to display only the relevant traceback of the # FIXME result handler if error occurred there, not the # FIXME complete event-loop traceback. logging.error( 'An exception was thrown during result-handling.', exc_info=ex)
[docs]def run(bears, result_callback): """ Runs a coala session. :param bears: The bear instances to run. :param result_callback: A callback function which is called when results are available. Must have following signature:: def result_callback(result): pass """ # FIXME Allow to pass different executors nicely, for example to execute # FIXME coala with less cores, or to schedule jobs on distributed systems # FIXME (for example Mesos). # Set up event loop and executor. event_loop = asyncio.SelectorEventLoop() executor = concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor( max_workers=_get_cpu_count()) # Let's go. schedule_bears(bears, result_callback, event_loop, {}, executor) try: event_loop.run_forever() finally: event_loop.close()