Source code for coalib.results.ResultFilter

import copy
from difflib import SequenceMatcher

from coalib.results.Diff import ConflictError, Diff
from coalib.results.SourceRange import SourceRange

[docs]def filter_results(original_file_dict, modified_file_dict, original_results, modified_results): """ Filters results for such ones that are unique across file changes :param original_file_dict: Dict of lists of file contents before changes :param modified_file_dict: Dict of lists of file contents after changes :param original_results: List of results of the old files :param modified_results: List of results of the new files :return: List of results from new files that are unique from all those that existed in the old changes """ renamed_files = ensure_files_present(original_file_dict, modified_file_dict) # diffs_dict[file] is a diff between the original and modified file diffs_dict = {} for file in original_file_dict: diffs_dict[file] = Diff.from_string_arrays( original_file_dict[file], modified_file_dict[renamed_files.get(file, file)]) orig_result_diff_dict_dict = remove_result_ranges_diffs(original_results, original_file_dict) mod_result_diff_dict_dict = remove_result_ranges_diffs(modified_results, modified_file_dict) unique_results = [] for m_r in reversed(modified_results): unique = True for o_r in original_results: if basics_match(o_r, m_r): if source_ranges_match(original_file_dict, diffs_dict, orig_result_diff_dict_dict[o_r], mod_result_diff_dict_dict[m_r], renamed_files): # at least one original result matches completely unique = False break if unique: unique_results.append(m_r) return unique_results
[docs]def basics_match(original_result, modified_result): """ Checks whether the following properties of two results match: * origin * message * severity * debug_msg :param original_result: A result of the old files :param modified_result: A result of the new files :return: Boolean value whether or not the properties match """ return all(getattr(original_result, member) == getattr(modified_result, member) for member in ['origin', 'message', 'severity', 'debug_msg'])
[docs]def source_ranges_match(original_file_dict, diff_dict, original_result_diff_dict, modified_result_diff_dict, renamed_files): """ Checks whether the SourceRanges of two results match :param original_file_dict: Dict of lists of file contents before changes :param diff_dict: Dict of diffs describing the changes per file :param original_result_diff_dict: diff for each file for this result :param modified_result_diff_dict: guess :param renamed_files: A dictionary containing file renamings across runs :return: Boolean value whether the SourceRanges match """ for file_name in original_file_dict: try: # fails if the affected range of the result get's modified original_total_diff = (diff_dict[file_name] + original_result_diff_dict[file_name]) except ConflictError: return False # original file with file_diff and original_diff applied original_total_file = original_total_diff.modified # modified file with modified_diff applied modified_total_file = modified_result_diff_dict[ renamed_files.get(file_name, file_name)].modified if original_total_file != modified_total_file: return False return True
[docs]def remove_range(file_contents, source_range): """ removes the chars covered by the sourceRange from the file :param file_contents: list of lines in the file :param source_range: Source Range :return: list of file contents without specified chars removed """ if not file_contents: return [] newfile = list(file_contents) # attention: line numbers in the SourceRange are human-readable, # list indices start with 0 source_range = source_range.expand(file_contents) if source_range.start.line == source_range.end.line: # if it's all in one line, replace the line by it's beginning and end newfile[source_range.start.line - 1] = ( newfile[source_range.start.line - 1][:source_range.start.column-1] + newfile[source_range.start.line - 1][source_range.end.column:]) if newfile[source_range.start.line - 1] == '': del newfile[source_range.start.line - 1] else: # cut away after start newfile[source_range.start.line - 1] = ( newfile[source_range.start.line - 1][:source_range.start.column-1]) # cut away before end newfile[source_range.end.line - 1] = ( newfile[source_range.end.line - 1][source_range.end.column:]) # start: index = first line number ==> line after first line # end: index = last line -2 ==> line before last line for i in reversed(range( source_range.start.line, source_range.end.line - 1)): del newfile[i] # remove leftover empty lines # the first line here is actually the former `source_range.end.line -1` if newfile[source_range.start.line] == '': del newfile[source_range.start.line] if newfile[source_range.start.line - 1] == '': del newfile[source_range.start.line - 1] return newfile
[docs]def remove_result_ranges_diffs(result_list, file_dict): """ Calculates the diffs to all files in file_dict that describe the removal of each respective result's affected code. :param result_list: list of results :param file_dict: dict of file contents :return: returnvalue[result][file] is a diff of the changes the removal of this result's affected code would cause for the file. """ result_diff_dict_dict = {} for original_result in result_list: mod_file_dict = copy.deepcopy(file_dict) # gather all source ranges from this result source_ranges = [] # SourceRanges must be sorted backwards and overlaps must be eliminated # this way, the deletion based on sourceRanges is not offset by # previous deletions in the same line that invalidate the indices. previous = None for source_range in sorted(original_result.affected_code, reverse=True): # previous exists and overlaps if previous is not None and source_range.overlaps(previous): combined_sr = SourceRange.join(previous, source_range) previous = combined_sr elif previous is None: previous = source_range # previous exists but it doesn't overlap else: source_ranges.append(previous) previous = source_range # don't forget last entry if there were any: if previous: source_ranges.append(previous) for source_range in source_ranges: file_name = source_range.file new_file = remove_range(mod_file_dict[file_name], source_range) mod_file_dict[file_name] = new_file diff_dict = {} for file_name in file_dict: diff_dict[file_name] = Diff.from_string_arrays( file_dict[file_name], mod_file_dict[file_name]) result_diff_dict_dict[original_result] = diff_dict return result_diff_dict_dict
[docs]def ensure_files_present(original_file_dict, modified_file_dict): """ Ensures that all files are available as keys in both dicts. :param original_file_dict: Dict of lists of file contents before changes :param modified_file_dict: Dict of lists of file contents after changes :return: Return a dictionary of renamed files. """ original_files = set(original_file_dict.keys()) modified_files = set(modified_file_dict.keys()) affected_files = original_files | modified_files original_unique_files = affected_files - modified_files renamed_files_dict = {} for file in filter( lambda filter_file: filter_file not in original_files, affected_files): for comparable_file in original_unique_files: s = SequenceMatcher( None, ''.join(modified_file_dict[file]), ''.join(original_file_dict[comparable_file])) if s.real_quick_ratio() >= 0.5 and s.ratio() > 0.5: renamed_files_dict[comparable_file] = file break else: original_file_dict[file] = [] for file in filter( lambda filter_file: filter_file not in modified_files, affected_files): modified_file_dict[file] = [] return renamed_files_dict