coalib.results package


coalib.results.AbsolutePosition module

class coalib.results.AbsolutePosition.AbsolutePosition(text: (<class 'tuple'>, <class 'list'>, None) = None, position: (<class 'int'>, None) = None)[source]

Bases: coalib.results.TextPosition.TextPosition

coalib.results.AbsolutePosition.calc_line_col(text, position)[source]

Creates a tuple containing (line, column) by calculating line number and column in the text, from position.

The position represents the index of a character. In the following example ‘a’ is at position ‘0’ and it’s corresponding line and column are:

>>> calc_line_col(('a\n',), 0)
(1, 1)

All special characters(including the newline character) belong in the same line, and have their own position. A line is an item in the tuple:

>>> calc_line_col(('a\n', 'b\n'), 1)
(1, 2)
>>> calc_line_col(('a\n', 'b\n'), 2)
(2, 1)
  • text – A tuple/list of lines in which position is to be calculated.
  • position – Position (starting from 0) of character to be found in the (line, column) form.

A tuple of the form (line, column), where both line and column start from 1.

coalib.results.Diff module

class coalib.results.Diff.Diff(file_list, rename=False, delete=False)[source]

Bases: object

A Diff result represents a difference for one file.

add_lines(line_nr_before, lines)[source]

Adds lines after the given line number.

  • line_nr_before – Line number of the line before the additions. Use 0 for insert lines before everything.
  • lines – A list of lines to add.

Creates a list of SourceRange objects which point to the related code. Changes on continuous lines will be put into one SourceRange.

Parameters:filename – The filename to associate the SourceRange’s to.
Returns:A list of all related SourceRange objects.
change_line(line_nr, original_line, replacement)[source]

Changes the given line with the given line number. The replacement will be there instead.

Given an empty diff object:

>>> diff = Diff(['Hey there! Gorgeous.\n',
...              "It's nice that we're here.\n"])

We can change a line easily:

>>> diff.change_line(1,
...                  'Hey there! Gorgeous.\n',
...                  'Hey there! This is sad.\n')
>>> diff.modified
['Hey there! This is sad.\n', "It's nice that we're here.\n"]

We can even merge changes within one line:

>>> diff.change_line(1,
...                  'Hey there! Gorgeous.\n',
...                  'Hello. :( Gorgeous.\n')
>>> diff.modified
['Hello. :( This is sad.\n', "It's nice that we're here.\n"]

However, if we change something that has been changed before, we’ll get a conflict:

>>> diff.change_line(1,  # +ELLIPSIS
...                  'Hey there! Gorgeous.\n',
...                  'Hello. This is not ok. Gorgeous.\n')
Traceback (most recent call last):
coalib.results.LineDiff.ConflictError: ...
Returns:True if file is set to be deleted.

Mark the given line nr as deleted. The first line is line number 1.

delete_lines(line_nr_start, line_nr_end)[source]

Delete lines in a specified range, inclusively.

classmethod from_clang_fixit(fixit, file)[source]

Creates a Diff object from a given clang fixit and the file contents.

  • fixit – A cindex.Fixit object.
  • file – A list of lines in the file to apply the fixit to.

The corresponding Diff object.

classmethod from_string_arrays(file_array_1, file_array_2, rename=False)[source]

Creates a Diff object from two arrays containing strings.

If this Diff is applied to the original array, the second array will be created.

  • file_array_1 – Original array
  • file_array_2 – Array to compare
  • rename – False or str containing new name of file.
insert(position, text)[source]

Inserts (multiline) text at arbitrary position.

>>> from coalib.results.TextPosition import TextPosition
>>> test_text = ['123\n', '456\n', '789\n']
>>> def insert(position, text):
...     diff = Diff(test_text)
...     diff.insert(position, text)
...     return diff.modified
>>> insert(TextPosition(2, 3), 'woopy doopy')
['123\n', '45woopy doopy6\n', '789\n']
>>> insert(TextPosition(1, 1), 'woopy\ndoopy')
['woopy\n', 'doopy123\n', '456\n', '789\n']
>>> insert(TextPosition(2, 4), '\nwoopy\ndoopy\n')
['123\n', '456\n', 'woopy\n', 'doopy\n', '\n', '789\n']
  • position – The TextPosition where to insert text.
  • text – The text to insert.

Calculates the modified file, after applying the Diff to the original.


Retrieves the original file.


Calculates a SourceRange spanning over the whole Diff. If something is added after the 0th line (i.e. before the first line) the first line will be included in the SourceRange.

The range of an empty diff will only affect the filename:

>>> range = Diff([]).range("file")
>>> range.file is None
>>> print(range.start.line)
Parameters:filename – The filename to associate the SourceRange with.
Returns:A SourceRange object.

Removes a piece of text in a given range.

>>> from coalib.results.TextRange import TextRange
>>> test_text = ['nice\n', 'try\n', 'bro\n']
>>> def remove(range):
...     diff = Diff(test_text)
...     diff.remove(range)
...     return diff.modified
>>> remove(TextRange.from_values(1, 1, 1, 4))
['e\n', 'try\n', 'bro\n']
>>> remove(TextRange.from_values(1, 5, 2, 1))
['nicetry\n', 'bro\n']
>>> remove(TextRange.from_values(1, 3, 3, 2))
>>> remove(TextRange.from_values(2, 1, 2, 1))
['nice\n', 'try\n', 'bro\n']
Parameters:range – The range to delete.
Returns:string containing new name of the file.
replace(range, replacement)[source]

Replaces a part of text. Allows to span multiple lines.

This function uses add_lines and delete_lines accordingly, so calls of those functions on lines given range affects after usage or vice versa lead to ConflictError.

>>> from coalib.results.TextRange import TextRange
>>> test_text = ['hello\n', 'world\n', '4lines\n', 'done\n']
>>> def replace(range, text):
...     diff = Diff(test_text)
...     diff.replace(range, text)
...     return diff.modified
>>> replace(TextRange.from_values(1, 5, 4, 3), '\nyeah\ncool\nno')
['hell\n', 'yeah\n', 'cool\n', 'none\n']
>>> replace(TextRange.from_values(2, 1, 3, 5), 'b')
['hello\n', 'bes\n', 'done\n']
>>> replace(TextRange.from_values(1, 6, 4, 3), '')
  • range – The TextRange that gets replaced.
  • replacement – The replacement string. Can be multiline.

Splits this diff into small pieces, such that several continuously altered lines are still together in one diff. All subdiffs will be yielded.

A diff like this with changes being together closely won’t be splitted:

>>> diff = Diff.from_string_arrays([     'b', 'c', 'e'],
...                                ['a', 'b', 'd', 'f'])
>>> len(list(diff.split_diff()))

If we set the distance to 0, it will be splitted:

>>> len(list(diff.split_diff(distance=0)))

If a negative distance is given, every change will be yielded as an own diff, even if they are right beneath each other:

>>> len(list(diff.split_diff(distance=-1)))

If a file gets renamed or deleted only, it will be yielded as is:

>>> len(list(Diff([], rename='test').split_diff()))

An empty diff will not yield any diffs:

>>> len(list(Diff([]).split_diff()))
Parameters:distance – Number of unchanged lines that are allowed in between two changed lines so they get yielded as one diff.

Returns tuple containing number of additions and deletions in the diff.


Generates a unified diff corresponding to this patch.

Note that the unified diff is not deterministic and thus not suitable for equality comparison.

coalib.results.HiddenResult module

class coalib.results.HiddenResult.HiddenResult(origin, contents)[source]

Bases: coalib.results.Result.Result

This is a result that is not meant to be shown to the user. It can be used to transfer any data from a dependent bear to others.

coalib.results.LineDiff module

exception coalib.results.LineDiff.ConflictError[source]

Bases: Exception

class coalib.results.LineDiff.LineDiff(change=False, delete=False, add_after=False)[source]

Bases: object

A LineDiff holds the difference between two strings.


coalib.results.RESULT_SEVERITY module

coalib.results.Result module

class coalib.results.Result.Result(origin, message: str, affected_code: (<class 'tuple'>, <class 'list'>) = (), severity: int = 1, additional_info: str = '', debug_msg='', diffs: (<class 'dict'>, None) = None, confidence: int = 100, aspect: (<class 'coalib.bearlib.aspects.base.aspectbase'>, None) = None)[source]

Bases: object

A result is anything that has an origin and a message.

Optionally it might affect a file.

apply(file_dict: dict)[source]

Applies all contained diffs to the given file_dict. This operation will be done in-place.

Parameters:file_dict – A dictionary containing all files with filename as key and all lines a value. Will be modified.
classmethod from_values(origin, message: str, file: str, line: (<class 'int'>, None) = None, column: (<class 'int'>, None) = None, end_line: (<class 'int'>, None) = None, end_column: (<class 'int'>, None) = None, severity: int = 1, additional_info: str = '', debug_msg='', diffs: (<class 'dict'>, None) = None, confidence: int = 100, aspect: (<class 'coalib.bearlib.aspects.base.aspectbase'>, None) = None)[source]

Creates a result with only one SourceRange with the given start and end locations.

  • origin – Class name or creator object of this object.
  • message – Message to show with this result.
  • file – The related file.
  • line – The first related line in the file. (First line is 1)
  • column – The column indicating the first character. (First character is 1)
  • end_line – The last related line in the file.
  • end_column – The column indicating the last character.
  • severity – Severity of this result.
  • additional_info – A long description holding additional information about the issue and/or how to fix it. You can use this like a manual entry for a category of issues.
  • debug_msg – A message which may help the user find out why this result was yielded.
  • diffs – A dictionary with filenames as key and a sequence of Diff objects associated with them as values.
  • confidence – A number between 0 and 100 describing the likelihood of this result being a real issue.
  • aspect – An Aspect object which this result is associated to. Note that this should be a leaf of the aspect tree! (If you have a node, spend some time figuring out which of the leafs exactly your result belongs to.)

Retrieves a string, that briefly represents the affected code of the result.

Returns:A string containing all of the affected files separated by a comma.

Determines if the result overlaps with source ranges provided.

Parameters:ranges – A list SourceRange objects to check for overlap.
Returns:True if the ranges overlap with the result.

Makes a dictionary which has all keys and values as strings and contains all the data that the base Result has.

FIXME: diffs are not serialized ATM. FIXME: Only the first SourceRange of affected_code is serialized. If there are more, this data is currently missing.

Returns:Dictionary with keys and values as string.

coalib.results.ResultFilter module

coalib.results.ResultFilter.basics_match(original_result, modified_result)[source]

Checks whether the following properties of two results match: * origin * message * severity * debug_msg

  • original_result – A result of the old files
  • modified_result – A result of the new files

Boolean value whether or not the properties match

coalib.results.ResultFilter.ensure_files_present(original_file_dict, modified_file_dict)[source]

Ensures that all files are available as keys in both dicts.

  • original_file_dict – Dict of lists of file contents before changes
  • modified_file_dict – Dict of lists of file contents after changes

Return a dictionary of renamed files.

coalib.results.ResultFilter.filter_results(original_file_dict, modified_file_dict, original_results, modified_results)[source]

Filters results for such ones that are unique across file changes

  • original_file_dict – Dict of lists of file contents before changes
  • modified_file_dict – Dict of lists of file contents after changes
  • original_results – List of results of the old files
  • modified_results – List of results of the new files

List of results from new files that are unique from all those that existed in the old changes

coalib.results.ResultFilter.remove_range(file_contents, source_range)[source]

removes the chars covered by the sourceRange from the file

  • file_contents – list of lines in the file
  • source_range – Source Range

list of file contents without specified chars removed

coalib.results.ResultFilter.remove_result_ranges_diffs(result_list, file_dict)[source]

Calculates the diffs to all files in file_dict that describe the removal of each respective result’s affected code.

  • result_list – list of results
  • file_dict – dict of file contents

returnvalue[result][file] is a diff of the changes the removal of this result’s affected code would cause for the file.

coalib.results.ResultFilter.source_ranges_match(original_file_dict, diff_dict, original_result_diff_dict, modified_result_diff_dict, renamed_files)[source]

Checks whether the SourceRanges of two results match

  • original_file_dict – Dict of lists of file contents before changes
  • diff_dict – Dict of diffs describing the changes per file
  • original_result_diff_dict – diff for each file for this result
  • modified_result_diff_dict – guess
  • renamed_files – A dictionary containing file renamings across runs

Boolean value whether the SourceRanges match

coalib.results.SourcePosition module

class coalib.results.SourcePosition.SourcePosition(file: str, line=None, column=None)[source]

Bases: coalib.results.TextPosition.TextPosition


coalib.results.SourceRange module

class coalib.results.SourceRange.SourceRange(start: coalib.results.SourcePosition.SourcePosition, end: (<class 'coalib.results.SourcePosition.SourcePosition'>, None) = None)[source]

Bases: coalib.results.TextRange.TextRange


Passes a new SourceRange that covers the same area of a file as this one would. All values of None get replaced with absolute values.

values of None will be interpreted as follows: self.start.line is None: -> 1 self.start.column is None: -> 1 self.end.line is None: -> last line of file self.end.column is None: -> last column of self.end.line

Parameters:file_contents – File contents of the applicable file
Returns:TextRange with absolute values
classmethod from_absolute_position(file: str, position_start: coalib.results.AbsolutePosition.AbsolutePosition, position_end: (<class 'coalib.results.AbsolutePosition.AbsolutePosition'>, None) = None)[source]

Creates a SourceRange from a start and end positions.

  • file – Name of the file.
  • position_start – Start of range given by AbsolutePosition.
  • position_end – End of range given by AbsolutePosition or None.
classmethod from_clang_range(range)[source]

Creates a SourceRange from a clang SourceRange object.

Parameters:range – A cindex.SourceRange object.
classmethod from_values(file, start_line=None, start_column=None, end_line=None, end_column=None)[source]
renamed_file(file_diff_dict: dict)[source]

Retrieves the filename this source range refers to while taking the possible file renamings in the given file_diff_dict into account:

Parameters:file_diff_dict – A dictionary with filenames as key and their associated Diff objects as values.

coalib.results.TextPosition module

class coalib.results.TextPosition.TextPosition(line: (<class 'int'>, None) = None, column: (<class 'int'>, None) = None)[source]

Bases: object


coalib.results.TextRange module

class coalib.results.TextRange.TextRange(start: coalib.results.TextPosition.TextPosition, end: (<class 'coalib.results.TextPosition.TextPosition'>, None) = None)[source]

Bases: object


Passes a new TextRange that covers the same area of a file as this one would. All values of None get replaced with absolute values.

values of None will be interpreted as follows: self.start.line is None: -> 1 self.start.column is None: -> 1 self.end.line is None: -> last line of file self.end.column is None: -> last column of self.end.line

Parameters:text_lines – File contents of the applicable file
Returns:TextRange with absolute values
classmethod from_values(start_line=None, start_column=None, end_line=None, end_column=None)[source]

Creates a new TextRange.

  • start_line – The line number of the start position. The first line is 1.
  • start_column – The column number of the start position. The first column is 1.
  • end_line – The line number of the end position. If this parameter is None, then the end position is set the same like start position and end_column gets ignored.
  • end_column – The column number of the end position.

A TextRange.

classmethod join(a, b)[source]

Creates a new TextRange that covers the area of two overlapping ones

  • a – TextRange (needs to overlap b)
  • b – TextRange (needs to overlap a)

A new TextRange covering the union of the Area of a and b


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