coalib.collecting package


coalib.collecting.Collectors module

coalib.collecting.Collectors.collect_all_bears_from_sections(sections, log_printer)[source]

Collect all kinds of bears from bear directories given in the sections.

  • sections – List of sections so bear_dirs are taken into account
  • log_printer – Log_printer to handle logging

Tuple of dictionaries of local and global bears. The dictionary key is section class and dictionary value is a list of Bear classes

coalib.collecting.Collectors.collect_bears(bear_dirs, bear_globs, kinds, log_printer, warn_if_unused_glob=True)[source]

Collect all bears from bear directories that have a matching kind matching the given globs.

  • bear_dirs – Directory name or list of such that can contain bears.
  • bear_globs – Globs of bears to collect.
  • kinds – List of bear kinds to be collected.
  • log_printer – log_printer to handle logging.
  • warn_if_unused_glob – True if warning message should be shown if a glob didn’t give any bears.

Tuple of list of matching bear classes based on kind. The lists are in the same order as kinds.

coalib.collecting.Collectors.collect_dirs(dir_paths, ignored_dir_paths=None)[source]

Evaluate globs in directory paths and return all matching directories

  • dir_paths – File path or list of such that can include globs
  • ignored_dir_paths – List of globs that match to-be-ignored dirs

List of paths of all matching directories

coalib.collecting.Collectors.collect_files(file_paths, log_printer, ignored_file_paths=None, limit_file_paths=None)[source]

Evaluate globs in file paths and return all matching files

  • file_paths – File path or list of such that can include globs
  • ignored_file_paths – List of globs that match to-be-ignored files
  • limit_file_paths – List of globs that the files are limited to

List of paths of all matching files


Searches setuptools for the entrypoint and returns the bear directories given by the module.

Parameters:entrypoint – The entrypoint to find packages with.
Returns:List of bear directories.
coalib.collecting.Collectors.filter_capabilities_by_languages(bears, languages)[source]

Filters the bears capabilities by languages.

  • bears – Dictionary with sections as keys and list of bears as values.
  • languages – Languages that bears are being filtered on.

New dictionary with languages as keys and their bears capabilities as values. The capabilities are stored in a tuple of two elements where the first one represents what the bears can detect, and the second one what they can fix.

coalib.collecting.Collectors.filter_section_bears_by_languages(bears, languages)[source]

Filters the bears by languages.

  • bears – The dictionary of the sections as keys and list of bears as values.
  • languages – Languages that bears are being filtered on.

New dictionary with filtered out bears that don’t match any language from languages.

coalib.collecting.Collectors.icollect(file_paths, ignored_globs=None)[source]

Evaluate globs in file paths and return all matching files.

  • file_paths – File path or list of such that can include globs
  • ignored_globs – List of globs to ignore when matching files

Iterator that yields tuple of path of a matching file, the glob where it was found

coalib.collecting.Collectors.icollect_bears(bear_dir_glob, bear_globs, kinds, log_printer)[source]

Collect all bears from bear directories that have a matching kind.

  • bear_dir_glob – Directory globs or list of such that can contain bears
  • bear_globs – Globs of bears to collect
  • kinds – List of bear kinds to be collected
  • log_printer – Log_printer to handle logging

Iterator that yields a tuple with bear class and which bear_glob was used to find that bear class.

coalib.collecting.Dependencies module

exception coalib.collecting.Dependencies.CircularDependencyError[source]

Bases: Exception

classmethod for_bears(bears)[source]

Creates the CircularDependencyError with a helpful message about the dependency.


Collects all dependencies of the given bears. This will also remove duplicates.

Parameters:bears – The given bears. Will not be modified.
Returns:The new list of bears, sorted so that it can be executed sequentially without dependency issues.

coalib.collecting.Importers module

coalib.collecting.Importers.iimport_objects(file_paths, names=None, types=None, supers=None, attributes=None, local=False, suppress_output=False)[source]

Import all objects from the given modules that fulfill the requirements

  • file_paths – File path(s) from which objects will be imported.
  • names – Name(s) an objects need to have one of.
  • types – Type(s) an objects need to be out of.
  • supers – Class(es) objects need to be a subclass of.
  • attributes – Attribute(s) an object needs to (all) have.
  • local – If True: Objects need to be defined in the file they appear in to be collected.
  • suppress_output – Whether console output from stdout shall be suppressed or not.

An iterator that yields all matching python objects.


Exception – Any exception that is thrown in module code or an ImportError if paths are erroneous.

coalib.collecting.Importers.import_objects(file_paths, names=None, types=None, supers=None, attributes=None, local=False, verbose=False)[source]

Import all objects from the given modules that fulfill the requirements

  • file_paths – File path(s) from which objects will be imported
  • names – Name(s) an objects need to have one of
  • types – Type(s) an objects need to be out of
  • supers – Class(es) objects need to be a subclass of
  • attributes – Attribute(s) an object needs to (all) have
  • local – if True: Objects need to be defined in the file they appear in to be collected

list of all matching python objects


Exception – Any exception that is thrown in module code or an ImportError if paths are erroneous.

coalib.collecting.Importers.object_defined_in(obj, file_path)[source]

Check if the object is defined in the given file.

>>> object_defined_in(object_defined_in, __file__)
>>> object_defined_in(object_defined_in, "somewhere else")

Builtins are always defined outside any given file:

>>> object_defined_in(False, __file__)
  • obj – The object to check.
  • file_path – The path it might be defined in.

True if the object is defined in the file.

Module contents