Source code for coalib.bearlib.languages.documentation.DocumentationExtraction

import re

from coalib.bearlib.languages.documentation.DocstyleDefinition import (
from coalib.bearlib.languages.documentation.DocumentationComment import (
from coalib.results.TextRange import TextRange

def _extract_doc_comment_simple(content, line, column, markers):
    Extract a documentation that starts at given beginning with simple layout.

    The property of the simple layout is that there's no each-line marker. This
    applies e.g. for python docstrings.

    :param content: Presplitted lines of the source-code-string.
    :param line:    Line where the documentation comment starts (behind the
                    start marker). Zero-based.
    :param column:  Column where the documentation comment starts (behind the
                    start marker). Zero-based.
    :param markers: The documentation identifying markers.
    :return:        If the comment matched layout a triple with end-of-comment
                    line, column and the extracted documentation. If not
                    matched, returns None.
    align_column = column - len(markers[0])

    pos = content[line].find(markers[2], column)
    if pos != -1:
        return line, pos + len(markers[2]), content[line][column:pos]

    doc_comment = content[line][column:]
    line += 1

    while line < len(content):
        pos = content[line].find(markers[2])
        if pos == -1:
            doc_comment += ('\n' if content[line][align_column:] == ''
                            else content[line][align_column:])
            doc_comment += content[line][align_column:pos]
            return line, pos + len(markers[2]), doc_comment

        line += 1

    return None

def _extract_doc_comment_continuous(content, line, column, markers):
    Extract a documentation that starts at given beginning with continuous

    The property of the continuous layout is that the each-line-marker and the
    end-marker do equal. Documentation is extracted until no further marker is
    found. Applies e.g. for doxygen style python documentation:

    ## main
    #  detailed

    :param content: Presplitted lines of the source-code-string.
    :param line:    Line where the documentation comment starts (behind the
                    start marker). Zero-based.
    :param column:  Column where the documentation comment starts (behind the
                    start marker). Zero-based.
    :param markers: The documentation identifying markers.
    :return:        If the comment matched layout a triple with end-of-comment
                    line, column and the extracted documentation. If not
                    matched, returns None.
    marker_len = len(markers[1])

    doc_comment = content[line][column:]
    line += 1
    while line < len(content):
        pos = content[line].find(markers[1])
        if pos == -1:
            return line, 0, doc_comment
            doc_comment += content[line][pos + marker_len:]

        line += 1

    if content[line - 1][-1] == '\n':
        column = 0
        # This case can appear on end-of-document without a ``\n``.
        line -= 1
        column = len(content[line])

    return line, column, doc_comment

def _extract_doc_comment_standard(content, line, column, markers):
    Extract a documentation that starts at given beginning with standard

    The standard layout applies e.g. for C doxygen-style documentation:

     * documentation

    :param content: Presplitted lines of the source-code-string.
    :param line:    Line where the documentation comment starts (behind the
                    start marker). Zero-based.
    :param column:  Column where the documentation comment starts (behind the
                    start marker). Zero-based.
    :param markers: The documentation identifying markers.
    :return:        If the comment matched layout a triple with end-of-comment
                    line, column and the extracted documentation. If not
                    matched, returns None.
    pos = content[line].find(markers[2], column)
    if pos != -1:
        return line, pos + len(markers[2]), content[line][column:pos]

    doc_comment = content[line][column:]
    line += 1

    while line < len(content):
        pos = content[line].find(markers[2])
        each_line_pos = content[line].find(markers[1])

        if pos == -1:
            if each_line_pos == -1:
                # If the first text occurrence is not the each-line marker
                # now we violate the doc-comment layout.
                return None
            doc_comment += content[line][each_line_pos + len(markers[1]):]
            # If no each-line marker found or it's located past the end marker:
            # extract no further and end the doc-comment.
            if each_line_pos != -1 and each_line_pos + 1 < pos:
                doc_comment += content[line][each_line_pos +

            return line, pos + len(markers[2]), doc_comment

        line += 1

    return None

def _extract_doc_comment(content, line, column, markers):
    Delegates depending on the given markers to the right extraction method.

    :param content: Presplitted lines of the source-code-string.
    :param line:    Line where the documentation comment starts (behind the
                    start marker). Zero-based.
    :param column:  Column where the documentation comment starts (behind the
                    start marker). Zero-based.
    :param markers: The documentation identifying markers.
    :return:        If the comment matched layout a triple with end-of-comment
                    line, column and the extracted documentation. If not
                    matched, returns None.
    if markers[1] == '':
        # Extract and align to start marker.
        return _extract_doc_comment_simple(content, line, column, markers)
    elif markers[1] == markers[2]:
        # Search for the each-line marker until it runs out.
        return _extract_doc_comment_continuous(content, line, column, markers)
        return _extract_doc_comment_standard(content, line, column, markers)

def _compile_multi_match_regex(strings):
    Compiles a regex object that matches each of the given strings.

    :param strings: The strings to match.
    :return:        A regex object.
    return re.compile('|'.join(re.escape(s) for s in strings))

def _extract_doc_comment_from_line(content, line, column, regex,
                                   marker_dict, docstyle_definition):
    cur_line = content[line]
    begin_match =, column)
    if begin_match:
        indent = cur_line[:begin_match.start()]
        column = begin_match.end()
        for marker in marker_dict[]:
            doc_comment = _extract_doc_comment(content, line, column, marker)
            if doc_comment is not None:
                end_line, end_column, documentation = doc_comment

                rng = TextRange.from_values(line + 1,
                                            begin_match.start() + 1,
                                            end_line + 1,
                                            end_column + 1)
                doc = DocumentationComment(documentation, docstyle_definition,
                                           indent, marker, rng)

                return end_line, end_column, doc

    return line + 1, 0, None

[docs]def extract_documentation_with_markers(content, docstyle_definition): """ Extracts all documentation texts inside the given source-code-string. :param content: The source-code-string where to extract documentation from. Needs to be a list or tuple where each string item is a single line (including ending whitespaces like ``\\n``). :param markers: The list/tuple of marker-sets that identify a documentation-comment. Low-index markers have higher priority than high-index markers. :return: An iterator returning each DocumentationComment found in the content. """ # Prepare marker-tuple dict that maps a begin pattern to the corresponding # marker_set(s). This makes it faster to retrieve a marker-set from a # begin sequence we initially want to search for in source code. Then # the possible found documentation match is processed further with the # rest markers. markers = docstyle_definition.markers marker_dict = {} for marker_set in markers: if marker_set[0] not in marker_dict: marker_dict[marker_set[0]] = [marker_set] else: marker_dict[marker_set[0]].append(marker_set) # Using regexes to perform a variable match is faster than finding each # substring with ``str.find()`` choosing the lowest match. begin_regex = _compile_multi_match_regex( marker_set[0] for marker_set in markers) line = 0 column = 0 while line < len(content): line, column, doc = _extract_doc_comment_from_line( content, line, column, begin_regex, marker_dict, docstyle_definition) if doc: yield doc
[docs]def extract_documentation(content, language, docstyle): """ Extracts all documentation texts inside the given source-code-string using the coala docstyle definition files. The documentation texts are sorted by their order appearing in ``content``. For more information about how documentation comments are identified and extracted, see DocstyleDefinition.doctypes enumeration. :param content: The source-code-string where to extract documentation from. Needs to be a list or tuple where each string item is a single line (including ending whitespaces like ``\\n``). :param language: The programming language used. :param docstyle: The documentation style/tool used (e.g. doxygen). :raises FileNotFoundError: Raised when the docstyle definition file was not found. :raises KeyError: Raised when the given language is not defined in given docstyle. :raises ValueError: Raised when a docstyle definition setting has an invalid format. :return: An iterator returning each DocumentationComment found in the content. """ docstyle_definition = DocstyleDefinition.load(language, docstyle) return extract_documentation_with_markers(content, docstyle_definition)