coalib.bearlib.naming_conventions package

Module contents


Converts the given string to camel-case.

>>> to_camelcase('Hello_world')
>>> to_camelcase('__Init__file__')
>>> to_camelcase('')
>>> to_camelcase('alreadyCamelCase')
>>> to_camelcase('   string')
Parameters:string – The string to convert.
Returns:The camel-cased string.

Converts the given to string pascal-case.

>>> to_pascalcase('hello_world')
>>> to_pascalcase('__init__file__')
>>> to_pascalcase('')
>>> to_pascalcase('AlreadyPascalCase')
>>> to_pascalcase('   string')
Parameters:string – The string to convert.
Returns:The pascal-cased string.

Converts the given string to snake-case.

>>> to_snakecase('HelloWorld')
>>> to_snakecase('__Init__File__')
>>> to_snakecase('')
>>> to_snakecase('already_snake_case')
>>> to_snakecase('   string  ')
>>> to_snakecase('ABCde.F.G..H..IH')
Parameters:string – The string to convert.
Returns:The snake-cased string.

Converts the given string to space-case.

>>> to_spacecase('helloWorld')
'Hello World'
>>> to_spacecase('__Init__File__')
'Init File'
>>> to_spacecase('')
>>> to_spacecase('Already Space Case')
'Already Space Case'
>>> to_spacecase('  string  ')
Parameters:string – The string to convert.
Returns:The space-cased string.