Source code for coalib.bears.requirements.RscriptRequirement

from coalib.bears.requirements.PackageRequirement import PackageRequirement
from coalib.misc.Shell import run_shell_command

[docs]class RscriptRequirement(PackageRequirement): """ This class is a subclass of ``PackageRequirement``. It specifies the proper type for ``R`` packages automatically and provide a function to check for the requirement. """ def __init__(self, package, version='', flag='', repo=''): """ Constructs a new ``RscriptRequirement``, using the ``PackageRequirement`` constructor. >>> pr = RscriptRequirement( ... 'formatR', version='1.4', flag='-e', ... repo="") >>> pr.type 'R' >>> pr.package 'formatR' >>> pr.version '1.4' >>> pr.flag '-e' >>> pr.repo '' :param package: A string with the name of the package to be installed. :param version: A version string. Leave empty to specify latest version. :param flag: A string that specifies any additional flags, that are passed to the type. :param repo: The repository from which the package to be installed is from. """ PackageRequirement.__init__(self, 'R', package, version) self.flag = flag self.repo = repo
[docs] def is_installed(self): """ Checks if the dependency is installed. :param return: True if dependency is installed, false otherwise. """ return True if run_shell_command( ('R -e \'library(\"{}\", quietly=TRUE)\'' .format(self.package)))[1] is '' else False