Source code for coalib.bears.GlobalBear

from coalib.bears.Bear import Bear
from coalib.bears.BEAR_KIND import BEAR_KIND

[docs]class GlobalBear(Bear): """ A GlobalBear is able to analyze semantic facts across several file. The results of a GlobalBear will be presented grouped by the origin Bear. Therefore Results spanning above multiple files are allowed and will be handled right. If you only look at one file at once anyway a LocalBear is better for your needs. (And better for performance and usability for both user and developer.) """ def __init__(self, file_dict, # filename : file contents section, message_queue, timeout=0): Bear.__init__(self, section, message_queue, timeout) self.file_dict = file_dict @staticmethod
[docs] def kind(): return BEAR_KIND.GLOBAL
[docs] def run(self, *args, dependency_results=None, **kwargs): """ Handles all files in file_dict. :return: A list of Result type. """ raise NotImplementedError( 'This function has to be implemented for a runnable bear.')