Source code for coalib.results.TextRange

import copy

from coala_utils.decorators import (
    enforce_signature, generate_ordering, generate_repr)
from coalib.results.TextPosition import TextPosition

@generate_repr('start', 'end')
@generate_ordering('start', 'end')
[docs]class TextRange: @enforce_signature def __init__(self, start: TextPosition, end: (TextPosition, None)=None): """ Creates a new TextRange. :param start: A TextPosition indicating the start of the range. Can't be ``None``. :param end: A TextPosition indicating the end of the range. If ``None`` is given, the start object will be used here. :raises TypeError: Raised when - start is not of type TextPosition. - end is neither of type TextPosition, nor is it None. :raises ValueError: Raised when end position is smaller than start position, because negative ranges are not allowed. """ self._start = start self._end = copy.deepcopy(start) if end is None else end if self._end < start: raise ValueError("End position can't be less than start position.") @classmethod
[docs] def from_values(cls, start_line=None, start_column=None, end_line=None, end_column=None): """ Creates a new TextRange. :param start_line: The line number of the start position. The first line is 1. :param start_column: The column number of the start position. The first column is 1. :param end_line: The line number of the end position. If this parameter is ``None``, then the end position is set the same like start position and end_column gets ignored. :param end_column: The column number of the end position. :return: A TextRange. """ start = TextPosition(start_line, start_column) if end_line is None: end = None else: end = TextPosition(end_line, end_column) return cls(start, end)
[docs] def join(cls, a, b): """ Creates a new TextRange that covers the area of two overlapping ones :param a: TextRange (needs to overlap b) :param b: TextRange (needs to overlap a) :return: A new TextRange covering the union of the Area of a and b """ if not isinstance(a, cls) or not isinstance(b, cls): raise TypeError( 'only instances of {} can be joined'.format(cls.__name__)) if not a.overlaps(b): raise ValueError( '{}s must overlap to be joined'.format(cls.__name__)) return cls(min(a.start, b.start), max(a.end, b.end))
@property def start(self): return self._start @property def end(self): return self._end
[docs] def overlaps(self, other): return self.start <= other.end and self.end >= other.start
[docs] def expand(self, text_lines): """ Passes a new TextRange that covers the same area of a file as this one would. All values of None get replaced with absolute values. values of None will be interpreted as follows: self.start.line is None: -> 1 self.start.column is None: -> 1 self.end.line is None: -> last line of file self.end.column is None: -> last column of self.end.line :param text_lines: File contents of the applicable file :return: TextRange with absolute values """ start_line = 1 if self.start.line is None else self.start.line start_column = 1 if self.start.column is None else self.start.column end_line = len(text_lines) if self.end.line is None else self.end.line end_column = (len(text_lines[end_line - 1]) if self.end.column is None else self.end.column) return TextRange.from_values(start_line, start_column, end_line, end_column)
def __contains__(self, item): return item.start >= self.start and item.end <= self.end