Source code for coalib.parsing.Globbing

import os
import platform
import re
from functools import lru_cache

from coala_utils.decorators import yield_once
from coalib.misc.Constants import GLOBBING_SPECIAL_CHARS

def _end_of_set_index(string, start_index):
    Returns the position of the appropriate closing bracket for a glob set in

    :param string:      Glob string with wildcards
    :param start_index: Index at which the set starts, meaning the position
                        right behind the opening bracket
    :return:            Position of appropriate closing bracket
    length = len(string)
    closing_index = start_index
    if closing_index < length and string[closing_index] == '!':
        closing_index += 1

    if closing_index < length:  # The set cannot be closed by a bracket here.
        closing_index += 1

    while closing_index < length and string[closing_index] != ']':
        closing_index += 1

    return closing_index

[docs]def glob_escape(input_string): """ Escapes the given string with ``[c]`` pattern. Examples: >>> from coalib.parsing.Globbing import glob_escape >>> glob_escape('test (1)') 'test [(]1[)]' >>> glob_escape('test folder?') 'test folder[?]' >>> glob_escape('test*folder') 'test[*]folder' :param input_string: String that is to be escaped with ``[ ]``. :return: Escaped string in which all the special glob characters ``()[]|?*`` are escaped. """ return re.sub('(?P<char>[' + re.escape(GLOBBING_SPECIAL_CHARS) + '])', '[\\g<char>]', input_string)
def _position_is_bracketed(string, position): """ Tests whether the char at string[position] is inside a valid pair of brackets (and therefore loses its special meaning) :param string: Glob string with wildcards :param position: Position of a char in string :return: Whether or not the char is inside a valid set of brackets """ # Allow negative positions and trim too long ones. position = len(string[:position]) index, length = 0, len(string) while index < position: char = string[index] index += 1 if char == '[': closing_index = _end_of_set_index(string, index) if closing_index < length: if index <= position < closing_index: return True index = closing_index + 1 else: return False return False def _boundary_of_alternatives_indices(pattern): """ Determines the location of a set of alternatives in a glob pattern. Alternatives are defined by a matching set of non-bracketed parentheses. :param pattern: Glob pattern with wildcards. :return: Indices of the innermost set of matching non-bracketed parentheses in a tuple. The Index of a missing parenthesis will be passed as None. """ # Taking the leftmost closing parenthesis and the rightmost opening # parenthesis left of it ensures that the parentheses belong together and # the pattern is parsed correctly from the most nested section outwards. end_pos = None for match in re.finditer('\\)', pattern): if not _position_is_bracketed(pattern, match.start()): end_pos = match.start() break # Break to get leftmost. start_pos = None for match in re.finditer('\\(', pattern[:end_pos]): if not _position_is_bracketed(pattern, match.start()): start_pos = match.end() # No break to get rightmost. return start_pos, end_pos @yield_once def _iter_choices(pattern): """ Iterate through each choice of an alternative. Splits pattern on '|'s if they are not bracketed. :param pattern: String of choices separated by '|'s :return: Iterator that yields parts of string separated by non-bracketed '|'s """ start_pos = 0 split_pos_list = [match.start() for match in re.finditer('\\|', pattern)] split_pos_list.append(len(pattern)) for end_pos in split_pos_list: if not _position_is_bracketed(pattern, end_pos): yield pattern[start_pos: end_pos] start_pos = end_pos + 1 @yield_once def _iter_alternatives(pattern): """ Iterates through all glob patterns that can be obtaines by combination of all choices for each alternative :param pattern: Glob pattern with wildcards :return: Iterator that yields all glob patterns without alternatives that can be created from the given pattern containing them. """ start_pos, end_pos = _boundary_of_alternatives_indices(pattern) if None in (start_pos, end_pos): yield pattern else: # Iterate through choices inside of parenthesis (separated by '|'): for choice in _iter_choices(pattern[start_pos: end_pos]): # Put glob expression back together with alternative: variant = pattern[:start_pos-1] + choice + pattern[end_pos+1:] # Iterate through alternatives outside of parenthesis. # (pattern can have more alternatives elsewhere) for glob_pattern in _iter_alternatives(variant): yield glob_pattern
[docs]def translate(pattern): """ Translates a pattern into a regular expression. :param pattern: Glob pattern with wildcards :return: Regular expression with the same meaning """ index, length = 0, len(pattern) regex = '' while index < length: char = pattern[index] index += 1 if char == '*': # '**' matches everything if index < length and pattern[index] == '*': regex += '.*' # On Windows, '*' matches everything but the filesystem # separators '/' and '\'. elif platform.system() == 'Windows': # pragma posix: no cover regex += '[^/\\\\]*' # On all other (~Unix-) platforms, '*' matches everything but the # filesystem separator, most likely '/'. else: # pragma nt: no cover regex += '[^' + re.escape(os.sep) + ']*' elif char == '?': regex += '.' elif char == '[': closing_index = _end_of_set_index(pattern, index) if closing_index >= length: regex += '\\[' else: sequence = pattern[index:closing_index].replace('\\', '\\\\') index = closing_index+1 if sequence[0] == '!': sequence = '^' + sequence[1:] elif sequence[0] == '^': sequence = '\\' + sequence regex += '[' + sequence + ']' else: regex = regex + re.escape(char) return regex + '\\Z(?ms)'
[docs]def fnmatch(name, globs): """ Tests whether name matches one of the given globs. :param name: File or directory name :param globs: Glob string with wildcards or list of globs :return: Boolean: Whether or not name is matched by glob Glob Syntax: - '[seq]': Matches any character in seq. Cannot be empty. Any special character looses its special meaning in a set. - '[!seq]': Matches any character not in seq. Cannot be empty. Any special character looses its special meaning in a set. - '(seq_a|seq_b)': Matches either sequence_a or sequence_b as a whole. More than two or just one sequence can be given. - '?': Matches any single character. - '*': Matches everything but os.sep. - '**': Matches everything. """ globs = (globs,) if isinstance(globs, str) else tuple(globs) if len(globs) == 0: return True name = os.path.normcase(name) return any(compiled_pattern.match(name) for glob in globs for compiled_pattern in _compile_pattern(glob))
@lru_cache() def _compile_pattern(pattern): return tuple(re.compile(translate(os.path.normcase( os.path.expanduser(pat)))) for pat in _iter_alternatives(pattern)) def _absolute_flat_glob(pattern): """ Glob function for a pattern that do not contain wildcards. :pattern: File or directory path :return: Iterator that yields at most one valid file or dir name """ dirname, basename = os.path.split(pattern) if basename: if os.path.exists(pattern): yield pattern else: # Patterns ending with a slash should match only directories. if os.path.isdir(dirname): yield pattern return def _iter_relative_dirs(dirname): """ Recursively iterates subdirectories of all levels from dirname :param dirname: Directory name :return: Iterator that yields files and directory from the given dir and all it's (recursive) subdirectories """ if not dirname: dirname = os.curdir try: files_or_dirs = os.listdir(dirname) except os.error: return for file_or_dir in files_or_dirs: yield file_or_dir path = os.path.join(dirname, file_or_dir) for sub_file_or_dir in _iter_relative_dirs(path): yield os.path.join(file_or_dir, sub_file_or_dir)
[docs]def relative_wildcard_glob(dirname, pattern): """ Non-recursive glob for one directory. Accepts wildcards. :param dirname: Directory name :param pattern: Glob pattern with wildcards :return: List of files in the dir of dirname that match the pattern """ if not dirname: dirname = os.curdir try: if '**' in pattern: names = list(_iter_relative_dirs(dirname)) else: names = os.listdir(dirname) except OSError: return [] result = [] pattern = os.path.normcase(pattern) match = re.compile(translate(pattern)).match for name in names: if match(os.path.normcase(name)): result.append(name) return result
[docs]def relative_flat_glob(dirname, basename): """ Non-recursive glob for one directory. Does not accept wildcards. :param dirname: Directory name :param basename: Basename of a file in dir of dirname :return: List containing Basename if the file exists """ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirname, basename)): return [basename] return[]
[docs]def relative_recursive_glob(dirname, pattern): """ Recursive Glob for one directory and all its (nested) subdirectories. Accepts only '**' as pattern. :param dirname: Directory name :param pattern: The recursive wildcard '**' :return: Iterator that yields all the (nested) subdirectories of the given dir """ assert pattern == '**' if dirname: yield pattern[:0] for relative_dir in _iter_relative_dirs(dirname): yield relative_dir
wildcard_check_pattern = re.compile('([*?[])')
[docs]def has_wildcard(pattern): """ Checks whether pattern has any wildcards. :param pattern: Glob pattern that may contain wildcards :return: Boolean: Whether or not there are wildcards in pattern """ match = return match is not None
def _iglob(pattern): dirname, basename = os.path.split(pattern) if not has_wildcard(pattern): for file in _absolute_flat_glob(pattern): yield file return if basename == '**': relative_glob_function = relative_recursive_glob elif has_wildcard(basename): relative_glob_function = relative_wildcard_glob else: relative_glob_function = relative_flat_glob if not dirname: for file in relative_glob_function(dirname, basename): yield file return # Prevent an infinite recursion if a drive or UNC path contains # wildcard characters (i.e. r'\\?\C:'). if dirname != pattern and has_wildcard(dirname): dirs = iglob(dirname) else: dirs = [dirname] for dirname in dirs: for name in relative_glob_function(dirname, basename): yield os.path.join(dirname, name) @yield_once
[docs]def iglob(pattern): """ Iterates all filesystem paths that get matched by the glob pattern. Syntax is equal to that of fnmatch. :param pattern: Glob pattern with wildcards :return: Iterator that yields all file names that match pattern """ for pat in _iter_alternatives(pattern): pat = os.path.expanduser(pat) pat = os.path.normcase(pat) if pat.endswith(os.sep): for name in _iglob(pat): yield name else: for name in _iglob(pat): yield name.rstrip(os.sep)
[docs]def glob(pattern): """ Iterates all filesystem paths that get matched by the glob pattern. Syntax is equal to that of fnmatch. :param pattern: Glob pattern with wildcards :return: List of all file names that match pattern """ return list(iglob(pattern))